RISK is serious business
Not much going on in my world this week. But in an effort to stay a dilligant blogger I thougth I'd better come up with something. Last Thursday Chad and I went over to Jackie and Lincoln's house for a little friends game night. We forgot to take our games with us and most of Jackie's games are meant for children 8 or younger so we decided on RISK. I've only played once and I've always had a deep hate for the game because when I was in the 6th grade the boys in my class were having their own RISK tournament during recess and lunch. Well one day some kid was out sick and they needed a sixth player and some how I got chosen to stay behind from recess and lunch recess that day so I could play with them. I was so pissed. Taking away recess from a 10 years old is just plain mean and boys have coodies. Anyway Lincoln took his time and explained the game and we did okay for a while but then Jackie's and my armies started to dwindle and then before you knew it we were off the board and nameing our armies to entertain ourselves while the boys finished playing. Then we went in to heated charades battle and I don't remember who won but I think it was me and Chad with the final movie we acted out 10 seconds faster then Lincoln and Jackie. We had a blast and are going to make a regular thing out of it. Chad and I have a title to uphold after all.

see pics below
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