Business is slow...damn the good economy! Not slow enough that I can play on the internet or enjoy my day but slow enough that I am not running around like a chicken
with my head cut off like I usually do this time of year. I don't have anything interesting to say but I thought you'd enjoy these pics I took of our yearly rain storm yesterday. I did however lose 3 more pounds and Kristian said he can definetly tell I am getting skinnier. It's getting easier, still not any fun but I will manage. My stomach is shrinking. I don't feel so hungry after having my tiny portions any more. Today I had subway for lunch. It's very low in points so I get the foot long and have one half at lunch and the other at dinner and still have points left over. Well I dropped my second half on my foot while I was trying to wrap it up. It took every ounce of strengh I had not to yell out "FUCK!" so I just yelled out "Ah, damn it" because I knew I had at least one customer outside my office door watching me wipe mustard off my shoe. Oh well.
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