Puppies and Super Target...ewww fancy!
I go thru these phases where I have nothing interesting to say so I apologize for so few blogs. Nothing interesting is going on for me and now it's 8 days and counting until classes begin and it's madness in the store, normal really. What isn't normal is for my thursday night WW meeeting to be busy. We normally get 14 people total and it's not really enough earnings to even go but I commited so I will go. But, tonight, OMG 19 new members. I made 3 times as much as I normally make on this night. We were inundated with people and I felt right at home with the chaos.
Jackie's dog Malibu is having puppies tonight. Malibu is a pug/cocker spaniel mix and she's too adorable. I've been saying that I might want a pug some day after Shadow dies but definetly not a puppy cause those days suck ass. But Jackie said I could have first pick and then out of nowhere Chad says to me a few days later "you know ever since Jackie mentioned the puppies I've been thinking I want one." !!! what? holy cow are you kidding me? so now if one is super cute we'll probably keep it and I'm hoping they're ugly so I'm not tempted but really, when's the last time you saw an ugly puppy? clearly, this is not going to be good. To start over from scratch is just so draining but a pug would make me happy and Chad has gotten so good at training and handling Shadow that he could easily handle a puppy. What to do?

No other news to report except the other day, as Chad and I were coming home from a Sunday drive, we noticed that the new Super Target was almost ready by our house. I squeeled with delight and Chad almost ran us off the road cause it frightened him. Then for 10 minutes I was talking about how cool it would be to have a super target so close and how I would never have to leave the neighborhood once that whole plaza was done. Yeah, so that's the most exciting thing I could come up with. sorry guys.

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