romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Sunday, October 01, 2006

there's bees in them thar trees!

Today Jackie and Lincoln invited us on a hike at the Estrella Mountains to do some stamp booking. You have a list of trails that take you on sort of a scavenger hunt for a box that is planted out on the trail with a small book with blank pages inside. You take your own stamp and leave your mark in the book and the box has it's own stamp that you get to stamp in to your own book, sort of like a passport to show what hikes you've done and other hikers see that you've left your mark. So we get that done and out of the way and start on our 1.7 mile hike. We got almost all the way around the mountain and Jackie comes up on this mini cave with a bee hive in it. Well my mom didn't raise no sucker. I know that when you're outnumbered 1000 to one that you just keep on walking which is exactly what I did. But Chad and the boys and Jackie all stopped. I walked on and came up on to a rattle snake. I made an imediate u-turn and pushed Chad out of my way while I yelled out "snake!" It was probably 1 foot long according to Linc and Chad. I wouldn't know as I took off running the other way. The snake started rattling hard. It was definetly agitated. So what do you do when a rattler doesn't leave your only way out of atop a very high hill with only sharp pointy rocks below you? Well Chad and Lincoln started throwing rocks at it. Very smart I know. It got more angry and started coming towards the them. I'm the furthest back as I am scared shitless at this point. The snake was not backing off and it's almost dark now. We can't just stand there on this mountain all night. Chad threw another rock and finally hit the snake. It moved off the trail a few feet. I picked up Lance (Jackie's youngest son) and she grabbed Hunter and we ran by while Chad and Lincoln watched the snake to make sure it wasn't gonna strike, not that they could've done anything if it had but hey it made us feel better. So that was our adventure today. Jackie and I got 3 exercise points and we all went back to Jackie's for BBQ.


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