the ashes issue

Kristian took me out to his friend Ali's house and we went on a
scavenger hunt for boos and money. It was a lot of fun.
So tonight I was watching a Grey's Anatomy re-run and the main character Meredith had to get rid of her mothers ashes. It occured to me that I have yet to deal with my mother's ashes. In April of this year she will be gone for 10 years. I'm torn. I keep her ashes in the box they gave me right after she was cremated. I never bought an urn because I knew I would spread them soon but soon turned in to months and then in to years. I keep her on my night stand. I know I have to release her from that tiny box but I just have no idea where or how or anything. The whole reason she wanted to be cremated was because she thought it was morbid to be buried for eternity under a stone marker. How morbid is it that I've held her hostage in that box for 10 years. I've even made stupid tasteless jokes like "my mother would roll over in her box." I don't know what to do. Not at all. The only thing I can remember her ever telling me on the matter was that she wanted to come along on all my vacations and get spread a bit every at cool place I went. Well I've already dropped that ball several times. The old lady thinks I should spread her up at the White Tank Mountains cause she loved the out doors so much and she loved the mountains but I just know if I agree with that. She didn't have a favorite place, that I know of anyway, and yes she loved the outdoors but the White Tank Mountains are so....blah. Then I heard that I could have her ashes made in to a diamond. That sounds kinda cool but they only 8ounces so that still leaves quite a bit of ashes I have to spread. I can't even afford to make one diamond but I figure this is a good reason to spend a ton of money if it means I get to keep a small part of her with me. Then I get sad cause I need advice and she would be the only person to give such advice. I need help. I need inspiration.
Good luck with rush, Jojo. I'd help but your store is over by the California border somewhere, and Chandler-Gilbert is only twenty minutes away.
As for your mother, I don't see anything wrong with keeping her with you. If it made you feel better you could always have a nice box made with a brass plaque. You could even have some pretty little pouches made up to put small amounts of her ashes in, and when you went somewhere and you thought she would have liked it you could leave a pouch there. If the feeling wasn't right you would just bring her back home with you.
Long before you were born I worked at Univ of Michigan's Medical Library. The Director's office also held the Medical Library's rare book collection. (I actually got to hold a first edition of Descartes!) Anyway, under two sections of shelve were doors with names and dates on them. Behind the doors were the ashes of the husband and wife who had donated most of the books. It was the only way the Director kept the Rare Book Room at the Graduate Library from taking the Medical Library's rare books for their collection. The stipulation of the donation was that the library could have the books as long as the ashes were kept with them; and the guy in charge of the Rare Book Room was creeped out by the idea of having the ashes there too.
Take care, Love.
Another idea that struck me, if I'm not being too ghoulish—sometimes it hard for me to tell—is to go ahead and have some of your mom's ashes made into gems. If they look at all nice you could have a few made and have a nice necklace made up. For some reason earrings just don't seem right. But that's just me.
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