A true friend helps you bury the body
Well she's been here 13 full days now and I am pulling my hair out and taking it out on Chad. So far I've been to 5 Walgreens, the supermarket 7 times, we've been to 4 dollar store and to Walmart twice (that's actually a record in itself since usually by now we'd have been atleast 4 times.) She makes me drive all over town to save 20 cents on vegetables or to every dollar store in the city to buy rubber gloves that don't have powder in them. She won't buy the $1.29 gloves because really why would you spend the extra 29 cents on the right gloves when you haven't been able to find the right pair for $1.00. She takes 10 minutes trying to decide whether the 72 plastic spoons are just too many, because obviously the 24 pack just isn't enough. All we watches on TV is Animal Planet and game shows and when we watch something I want she makes her smart remarks about it. She gets on me about wearing jeans on Xmas (just like I've done the past 10 years) and my doc martens aren't lady like and they're clearly why I have foot pain. I'll tell you I've got a pain in the ass and I won't be rid of that until March!
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