The last day in NY and 1 day in TX
We got up early on Friday to go check out the Today show because Black Eyed Peas were performing. It was raining and cold yet warm from all the humidity. We got there slightly late but we still managed to get in. We were at the back behind these bastards from (whatever that is, I couldn't even get their page to come up today when so I could send them my hate mail.) They were these overenthusiastic cocky jackasses with posters about strawberry milk. Between segments they would chant things like "we love milk" and other bullshit that was totally pissing me off. Finally BEP comes on and we can hear them but just can't see them with the flood of umbrellas in front of us. We got thru the first song and I was disappointed. They are by far my favorite group and I couldn't see a thing. The girl next to me said "well at least you can hear them" and I said "maybe but if all I wanted to do was hear them I'd put in my CD at home where it's dry." So next up is Fergie doing my favorite song and again I can't see her until she comes up to the end where we were standing and wouldn't you know it, those fucking bastards from lactose land hold up there stupid signs about milk so that I can now no longer see her after I only caught the tiniest glimpse of her as she walked up. I was livid!

So we get to the airport at 3:30 and no one seems to know how to help us. We stood in line to check in for over an hour. They had to re-route everyone since all planes were delayed due to weather. We ended up heading to Dallas instead of Chicago and then that plane took off another hour late on top of being pushed back already. So we missed our connecting flight home. We got to Dallas at 10:00p.m. with no flights to be had so we were stuck. Thank goodness Chad's long time friend Keith lives in Dallas. He and his wife were kind enough to put us up for the night and drive us back to the airport at 6:00a.m. this morning. I have never been so glad to get home. I'm so tired but so satisfied with our vacation. Hope you enjoy the pics. Thanks again to Adam and Jennifer for letting us crash at their apartment. We had so much fun.
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