alls quiet on top of the hill
It's only Tuesday. man holidays have a way of slowing things down and then once they get here it's go go go and it's over and then next thing you know it's Monday again. Been pretty boring around here. Nothing really to say. Don't want to wish you a happy thanksgiving yet cause then I'll have nothing to say to you on Thursday. geez. Went and saw Happy Feet on Sunday. Chad has been getting Sundays off. It's nice. I lost a half pound tonight. I'm down to below my max weight for my height. Gretchen (my WW leader) told me to go as far as I can go so that if I fall I'll have a cushion. Good idea. Been watching some TV. House is a pretty good show. But nothing compares to LOST (can I get a hell yes from Ballinger) and we gotta wait until February to watch again. But that jungle love scene was pretty sweet between Sawyer and Kate. Oh yeah. .....Corina must have jinxed me. She asked me what I wrote about on here and I told her "oh all the interesting stuff in my life" yeah, well that's par for the course. Ohh, I hear Law and Order SVU starting in the living room so I have to find something to do for 20 minutes until I can go in there and watch without commercials. TiVo has ruined me for regular tv. I stop paying close attention to things cause i know I can just hit replay! Chad asked me the other day what I'd do if the TiVo stopped working. I said I'd get in my car and drive to Fry's Electronics and buy another box, no question. I'd do the same thing if my big screen went out. I mean you gotta have a game plan in place if these emergencies every happen. Oh and I have termites. That was lovely way to start the holiday season. They're outside right now, doesn't look as though they've moved in yet but I guess that's just a matter of time. Terminex wants to charge me $1000 to treat the premises. They say that buys me a 1 year warranty. For $1000 it had better get me a 10 year warranty and a big fat kiss on my ass cause that's outrageous. Anyone know a good exterminator that won't charge $1000?

Aww he's so cute you almost don't want to kill him....almost.
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