These are a few of my least favorite things
In keeping with the Christmas spirit I thought I would share a list of my least favorite things. I am normally an optimistic (hey, shut up I am being serious) person but you may wonder
"hey, why does JoJo bitch and moan so much?"
well my dedicated readers, it's just no fun to write about puppy dogs and warm apple pie. You wouldn't like it and I wouldn't like it. After all aren't blogs mostly for people to share their angst with the world? exactly.
So here we go...
1. People who mumble or don't pick up their feet when they walk.
Really we aren't dragging our knuckles on the ground anymore. Straighten up and speak clearly.

2. The term baby's daddy/mommy

God if I have that's the direction our country is going in then I am moving to Canada (and taking over but you've already read about that)
3. False advertising
If you're telling me you're going to give me half off when I come and spend money in your store I expect just that. Don't give me some lousy coupon that I have to come back and spend in one week or it expires. To quote a jerky boy "Coupon?... my family is dying and you give me coupons?"

4. Tom Cruise

5. When celebrities back convicted murderers to try and keep them from their execution. I tell you what... if that guy had killed Jamie Foxx's family, Jamie Foxx wouldn't be posing for pictures with him.
6. When I am blogging and trying to find the right emoticons for it and then having them actually place where I want them

That's all for now but I want to share a few things I like just so you don't think me a sour puss all the time.
1. Disneyland. Damn right it's the happiest place on Earth
2. That Kanye West song Golddigger
3. Lost, it just may be the best TV show EVER!!! but I repeat myself.
4. Lazy Sundays. Sleeping in and then napping a few hours after waking up.
5. Quoting the same hilarious movie lines with friends. The timeless classics like "when Mr. Bigglesworth gets angry people die!"
Aren't I a bundle of joy? Don't answer that.
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