What... me worry?
Sorry I have been slacking in the blog department. I have tried to keep myself busy otherwise I find myself on the couch watch too much VH1. I painted my bedroom half red. It's like we're in a giant candy apple (atleast facing west and north.) I got my xmas tree up for the first time in 3 years because I finally have the room for it. I've been going to my doctor a lot, not so much because I'm sick but mostly because his staff are a bunch of raging bitches (that's a whole nother blog in itself) and they can't do anything for me even though they get paid to do it for me. I expect to get my full $20.00 each and every time I go in to that office. Dr. Bhowra is trying to figure out why my blood pressure is not going down even with medication. I had an ultra sound, blood work and I never scheduled my MRI appointment mainly because I ran out of time before my follow up visit this week. I really don't think they are going to find anything. I think the combination of my DNA and my super powerful brain is just going to raise my blood pressure. I want to learn how to meditate and have been looking in to classes. They have an 8 week class at GCC that I want to get in to. I think that if I can learn to shut off my brain for 30 minutes a day and combine that with more activity that it will help. I feel that I am super easy going and for the most part not much gets me down. Then there are times, like when I am driving, I feel so enraged and ready to shoot the guy next to me for not paying attention that I second guess my first statement. I also worry. ALL THE TIME, WORRY. about anything...everything...ALL THE TIME. If your close to me you know this to be true but if you're not so close than you might be saying to yourself right now
"Jojo is so cool and collected all the time. she must be talking about someone else!"
but it's true. just call me Worry McWorrington.

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