Today is the best day of the year
So another week of rush has come and gone. We did great. I am exhausted. Yesterday I drove home, got some Chipotle (from the new one by my house, thank you very much), had a beer and fell asleep. Today is the longest possible time before more rush. Yeah, there's summer school but that's just one day and I could do that in my sleep. On a sad note, this was my last rush with Amy as my co-pilot. That is super sucky bad but... My heart will go on.
We got thru the week with minimal jerkassedness. One guy who was waiting in line the other night, right as we were closing up, thought he'd mouth off to me as he left "you guys should really think about staying open later on the first week of classes" as he rushes out the door with his purchases. What? Did you get to come in and buy your books? Then why the hell do you have to be an ass? Yea, he watched me turn away more than a couple of students who gave me the puppy dog eyes because they had homework and still hadn't bought there books. All I gotta say is don't wait until 5 minutes after we lock our doors on the 3rd day of classes to come get your books. I've been here since 7 a.m. so I have no pity for you.
Then on the Wednesday we got audited by the weights and measures department. Yea, we failed both "tests." Passing was 98% and we scored a 96% and a 94%. They were two cows with sticks up there asses. They treated us as if we were purposely trying to cheat the students when something didn't ring up correctly. They walked in a pulled out their badges vigorously, as if they were the police or something. The head bitch would look at us and say "this is a direct violation!!" and then lasers would shoot out of her eyes.

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