Bet you didn't know I was named after a Saint
Yes in my "religion" (that to which I was baptised in to but have since renounced) I am named for a saint. Now many of you don't know my birth name and that's how it's going to stay. For those of you who do know it, please don't get cute and post it on a comment or I will hunt you down.

Anyway, Joana is a close enough version of my birth name. We legally changed our names (my mom and I) when we became legal citizens. We chose names that were close to our birth names. Joana is derived (loosley in English) from John. Now you know why I don't spell my name the regular way with 2 N's. In the greek orthodox religion, today is Saint John's name celebration day. So all names derived from John are celebrated today. Saint John was a big one since he baptised Jesus (as is my understanding from what the old lady told me this morning.) I think most of the latin language countries have this sort of tradition where it's a "holiday" to celebrate the saint. All I know is I used to get presents on this day when I was kid, but haven't in a long time. So you got a piece of my native heritage today. That's pretty much all I got.

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