What is it about stuff?
I like stuff. Oh yes, I buy and cherish stuff. It soothes me when I feel like I've lost control over the world. I shop. Not all the time. Just every now and again. I like to pick things out and own them.
But then there are those times I get obsessive. I collect things. No rhyme or reason to it. I pick something and then I fly off the handle and buy it in bulk so I can have a "complete" collection. Case in point, my 30+ chapsticks. At first I just needed something to sooth my chapped lips but then I walked down the aisle in the drug store with like 4 feet of nothing but lip balms and chapsticks. Now I have to go to it every time I go to the drug store. I don't even wear that much chapstick. I carry atleast 4 in my purse at any given time. I have around 5 in my backpack, a couple in my car and so on. That picture above is a drop in the bucket. I couldn't find all of them so I gathered all the nearest chapsticks. You know I spent $25.00 on lip gloss that poisons your lips so that they puff up and make them fuller. I couldn't even find it for the picture. I have no idea where it is at this time. I haven't lost it (the lip gloss I mean) I just dont know where exactly in the house it is. It's probably in one of my many corduroy purses. Yeah I got like 5 of those, 3 of them in some tan/brown combination. I don't know what possesses me to hord these sorts of things and how I choose what I hord but it makes me feel better when I can say (should anyone ever ask) "hey, you got any chapstick?" and I can say "why yes I do, what flavor would you like, cause I have atleast 25 to choose from."

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