here's realizing the value of a HOA
So I have always been against HOA (home owener's association.) I have always felt that these committee's were run by those jerks who got their jolly's from telling others how to run their lives. You also have to pay them to tell you so that's the icing. I considered myselft pretty lucky and infact very clever that I found a new neighborhood without an HOA. They are few and far between around here.
But today I woke up to find that my neighbor across the street (not Crazy Paul who falls asleep in his car but the family next to him) have gone and painted their house orange. ORANGE!!! At first I thougth "oh what a kooky base color for a house" but when they starting cleaning up I started to panic. The only worse color they could have chosen would have been lavender but I am starting to think lavender sounds better. It looks so hideous. Two shades of orange. A lighter more pastel easter wanna-throw-up-in-your-easter-basket-orange and and darker I-just-threw-up-my-tangerine-from-lunch-orange.

I tried to take a picture so that you could all share in my horror but they looked annoyed that I was pointing my camera at their house with my disgusted look on my face so I will take one tomorrow when they aren't watching.
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