What is wrong with todays youth?....Their parents.
I was at the mall today doing some light shopping when I run in to this girl who is probably, um, 15 at most. And she is waving around her cell phone while muttering "there's no signal in here."
At that age my mother never would have allowed me to have cell phone (granted, when I was 15, the only people who owned cell phones were doctors and ofcourse Zach Morris on Saved by the Bell but that was fictional, anyway) I talked enough on my home phone to make it seem as though I was permanentley attached to the wall and it was almost always about some insignificant crap (much like my conversations of today) like boys or what I was going to wear the next day or who I hated for being so pretty. Caddy yes, but again I was 15 and that's how most girls are so stop judging. I barely even use my cell phone today cause I don't' want to pay for minutes used talking about nonsense. I wouldn't even own a cell if it wasn't for work purposes. So in conclusion, parents today are ridiculous with their children. I'm sure her mother thinks "oh it will teach her responsibility and she'll have it in case of an emergency and I can always find her" but the last time I checked you had to be at least 16 to work in this state. That tells me that the mother is paying for her 15 year-old(and again I am guessing, she could have been younger) to gossip and essentially start trouble all because all her friends probably have a cell phone and god forbid little Brittany isn't fitting in with girls she probably won't even be associating with in 2 years. Not to mention her daughter isn't going to answer the phone when she's out doing things she's not supposed to be doing. I'm just speaking from experience. I was a very good kid but I got in to a small amount of trouble and my mom always caught me and punished me. So I know what 15 year-old girls are capable of and that phone is only going to speed it up. Please see illustration below on how the first bill might go.

Hahahaha one of the funniest things i have read in a while. I HATE THE DAMN MALL!!!!!!! but they sell the best soap. damn them!
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