Back Off I'm starving
I am tuckered out today. Chad's mom and brother and his brother's girlfriend came to visit this weekend. We had a good time but, man, I'm tired. Today at work we were having our 'wood' floors torn out so that they could replace them with the same shitty low-quality 'wood' floors. The 'wood' is in the front of the store where the cash registers are and the main entrance. It's less than 100 square feet. I blocked off all the aisles so that people were limited to the carpeted area and put a sign on the front doors instructing students to walk around to our side entrance. We moved our rush register to the side entrance. Well you'd think this was quantum physics the way these idiots were acting. Most of the people pulled on the door several times then just stood there confused and giving me the deer-in-the-headlights look. One girl actually called me from right outside. She was sitting there a good 20 minutes before she called then finally she asks "are you open?" and I told her yes and she says as she's looking right at me but doesn't realize she's talking to me "cause I see some workers tearing up the floor" and I said "right, and there's a sign on the door telling you to walk around" as I point to the sign. "Oh, so you are open?" and again I told her yes. All the other shitheads would move the barricades to get to the candy and chips. I have to tell everyone to get off the freshly applied cement and they are so shocked like they had no idea they shouldn't have walked over there. One girl stood in front of the our regular registers and asks "are these open?" even though she walked right past the line when she walked in. I mean it's like how retarded are you and why do you think you should be going to college if you can't even follow some simple signs or instructors. All these people had one thing in common. They trespassed to get to the chips and candy (even though I put some at the temporary register. Tomorrow they actually lay the flooring and there absolutely can not be any walking on it. We'll see how the geniuses handle that.
It's time to blog again SLACKER! ~Karin
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