I got crabs!!
Yes they are my new pride and joy pets. I have named them Pierre and Gaston and I speak French to them. Well, really I just say Bonjour and speak in a hoity toity French accent. The white-shell crab is Gaston and he is shy and only comes out at night when no one is around. Chad told me he came out so I had to take this picture of him in the dark while he ate. Then their is Pierre, the green-shell crab. He's much smaller and let frightened but he is literally a hermit and never comes out unless I coax him out. I don't actually know if they are males or females but I adore them. Chad thinks they're gross ( I think he's scared of them) and refuses to pick them up. He says they "creep" him out. I had some crabs a few years ago and they lived for a year so I hope Gaston and Pierre will make it longer then that. I have to find them a bigger home but the old home I had for them is being used to something else so they have to stay in their carrying cage which gives them very little room to stretch their legs. I recommend these as pets to anyone who is not so great with pets, like me who usually forgets to feed Shadow at least 3 times a week. Good thing I don't want any kids cause I'd probably starve them accidentally. They require little food and basically take care of themselves. Just spray them down with water every so often and enjoy.

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