romanian cracker

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Monday, March 05, 2007

No internet make jojo unhappy

I have not had internet for a week or so and I have actually been working at work so please no hassleing the jojo for the long time between blogs. Not a whole lot going on but I wanted to let yous know I am still alive. I had a bunch of good topics (good to me anyway) to post but now that they've long past I don't know if they're still relevant. You decide
1. The Ugly Side of Weight Watchers
Well I probably told you how I got dupped in to working 2 meetings back to back on a Saturday morning at the butt crack of dawn. I come from a long background of customer service. I can do it in my sleep. These women I worked with on Saturday had no such training. One lady who had been waiting in line to pay got very frustrated and angry that she had to go stand in another line to weigh in. She asked the lady who was helping her why we weren't better organized (I'm not really part of that we, I was just subbing so I take no blame) and (she wasn't mean about it she simply asked) and my fellow worker told her in a very stern voice

"ma'am I am not going to apologize to you for the size of this line. I have no control over how many people come in here."

Later, a different worker to my right proceeded to tell me in her regular voice how annoying the woman who had just left the counter was. Holy shit does she know anything about tact? Everybody heard her. The customers were packed in there nut to butt, about 80 in a tiny littly room. Like weigh in isn't stressful enough now these people have to worry that we're all talking about them out loud for everyone to hear. The worker has been with the company 35 years and works for the corporate office during the week. Nice. I got dupped again for another early morning Saturday meeting this week but I'm subbing for the boss so I guess it wasn't really dupped as it was over all fear of getting on her shit list if I said no.
2. The Ugly Side of Marriage
So I 'm in the grocery store on Friday and it's in the middle of geriatricville. This old married couple is in the frozen food section with me and this is what went down. I named them for my own purposes. Now imagine her voice in the most scratchy mean voice ever.
Cruella: "Why are you going down the fish aisle?....Since when do you like fish "
Herbert: .....
Cruella: "Oh peas, you want peas? oh well look at my husband the shopper. "
Herbert: ......
Cruella: (while holding open the freezer door and Herbert walks back to his cart) "Are you done here? Well you coulda told me I'm just holding the door open", incoherent mumbling.
She was just picked apart everything he did. She was so mean. And she wasn't the least bit embarrased by how she was treating him in public. I just wanted to go and hug him and say DTB* brother.
3. The Ugly Side of Puppy Training
She's still peeing in the house. Less and less frequent but I still am bent over every other day with my handy dandy spot lifter. Chad has trained her to walk on a leash and she draws small crowds wherever she goes. I bought her a dress but it didn't fit her and I had to return it for a bigger dress but they had run out by the time I returned so poo on them. Some other less cute medium sized dog is walking around in my dog's dress.
Finally, Blogger is locking me out cause it thinks I have an invalid account and they're gonna make sure I am not spamming. Silly boys. So who knows how much longer it will be before you're actually reading this.

*Dump that Bitch


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