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Friday, May 18, 2007

and it burns burns burns

It's been a tough week. Last week was crazy with buyback in full swing. Plus I worked 3 weight watchers meetings and also went back to work on Friday night to open the store during graduation. I had a starbucks before I went in and ended up packing up like 100 books in an hour, ringing customers and being more productive on that one cup of delicious sugary coffee than I had that whole day. Then, Sunday while relaxing, I get that ever familiar feeling in my hoo. Yes it hurt to pee. I've been here before. When it burns it means I have a U.T.I.(urinary tract infection.) I've had them since I was 20 and I average about 2 a year now. It came on very suddenly and without warning. I was in uncomfortable pain in about 2 hours. I ran to Walgreens and bought some over the counter stuff that's supposed to help with the pain until you can see a doctor. By Monday morning it was full blown terribleness. I called in to work (which I don't do very often) and just showed up at my doctors office. I know from past experiences that if I call that I'll only get the run around until they finally make me come in and pee in a cup anyway so I thought I'd cut out all the non-sense and just show up. I peed and went home. That was at 8:00. By 3:00 I still hadn't heard anything. I called and got a bit of a run around and then my doctor walked in and told the nurse I was talking to that yes I indeed had an infection (I don't have a medical license or degree but I could've told her that myself had she just asked!) so they called in the same prescription they always do. I don't know why I always have to give them a pee sample. I mean I think I know what it is when I have the exact same thing happen to me over and over. By Tuesday morning I still wasn't feeling great but I decided to go to work anyway. It got a bit better by lunch but by dinner time I was back to awful pain and non-stop trips to the bathroom. The bad thing was that I was working my weekly meeting and had to get up about every 5 minutes to pee. plus my back was hurting and I had a fever. I got up a total of 9 times in 1 hour and finally couldn't take it anymore. I was peeing out chunks of blood. I apologize for the graphic detail but you have to know the details if you wan to fully understand my pain. If you can't take all this pee talk go on to the next paragraph. Anyway, I leave my meeting early (after weighing in and finally reaching my goal weight, woohoo for me, pat on the back and a skinny high-five to myself) and rush to urgent care. I gave another sample and it was the ugliest, blurry brown color that has ever come out of me. The doctor on duty told me that she couldn't even tell that I had taken any antibiotics and that this was one hell of an infection. She said that the meds my doctor put me on were so dated that most people and bacteria build up a tolerance to them. She put me on something newer and stronger. I got home and crashed. I didn't start to feel normal again until Thursday afternoon. I am still peeing a lot but at least it doesn't hurt. Both doctors sent my samples to the lab for cultures but neither have called me back with results.
So if that wasn't bad enough my boss calls me Tuesday and tells me he wants to ask Corina to move over to a store in need of a manager. Company policy states that anyone in a salaried management position must work a consecutive 18 months before being considered for a promotion. So yeah, a bit confused, Corina is understandably excited and honored to be asked. I on the other hand am so disgusted with my boss for what I feel is pure sabotage of my happiness and overall well being of my store. I went nuts. I was livid. I told Corina that of course she had to consider it because it came with a huge pay increase and was closer to her home. I don't begrudge her any happiness but for the time I was only concerned with my unfortunate bad luck in keeping a steady number 2 person employed for longer than 6 months. I took it completely personally. How could he just swoop in and offer her a position that she wasn't technically allowed to apply for? What the hell was I supposed to do now? I get to train another employee for a job that is not learned over night. I get to introduce another new employee to my faculty and I expect them to take her seriously, the 3rd in 1 year. Yeah right, they barely take her seriously even though she is more than worthy. She's so great but some of them still insist on talking to me directly cause to them she's number 3 in 1 year. What the hell. I haven't been that angry in a long time. Some of it was probably from my discomfort. I feel bad that I acted the way I did but they were my true feelings and I didn't feel like hiding them like I always hide my feelings for fear of judgement. I know she felt really bad and torn. I told her that she wasn't even going to think about not applying. I told her that i was so sorry for the way I was acting and it had absolutely nothing to do with her. The next day I was pretty cranky. I had my ugly face on. I chose to seclude myself in my office so that I wouldn't have anymore outbursts. By the middle of the day I started to feel better. Amy came back to work part time and she made me smile as always. Then out of the blue she tells me that if Corina did leave she would consider stepping back in to her old job. I was so shocked cause I thought she was done for good with textbooks. Or maybe she just loves me. I like to think that's what it is. But then Corina called me later that night and told me that she decided not to apply. She said she wasn't quite ready to be a manager yet. I was of course very happy but also felt bad. I told her that I hoped my negative attitude didn't have anything to do with it cause it really wasn't directed at her in any way. She said that if anything, that would have made her want to leave but that she understood how it must have made me feel. So the week ended okay and then Hank died. I found his lifeless body at the bottom of his tank. He drowned, I think. He hasn't been eating or swimming. We are unsure why he didn't survive and we were both pretty sad last night but we are going to try again but first do a little bit of research on red-eared sliders.


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