Tasty chicken and boring art

Had a full and productive weekend. Chad and I went to see the Rembrandt exhibit at the Phx. Art Museum and I can confidently say that I can do without Dutch art. It was crowded and most of the paintings were self portraits and I hate self portraits. Then for an extra $2 we saw the custom car exhibit. That too was boring and the cars were dusty and I think that a museum should be able to keep the place dust free considering how little is inside that huge space. But it was nice way to spend an afternoon with my loverboy. We came home and Chad made what could have been the best chicken I have ever had in my entire life. It was that good. Beer can chicken. He stuffed a carcass on to a beer can and smoked it for 1 hour. The most delicious and tasty bird I have ever had the pleasure of eating. I made pasta salad and we just ate to our hearts content. Chad gave me cooking lessons and now I can make pesto from scratch, pretty fancy. On Saturday we went to Trader Joe's and I saw this poor guy get treated so rudely by this chick in the parking lot. We were walking back to our car and the guy crosses in front of us and asks the chick if she lived around here. Before he could say another word she starts blurting out "NO! whatever it is you have or want or whatever your selling I don't want it, I'm not interested, leave me alone!" and he was so confused. Had she taken the time to notice that he had a minivan full of children and a woman who was probably his wife. He was stunned and said "I just wanted to know if there was a CompUSA around here." I was so appalled by that rude bitch and I told him that there was one across the street while we walked between them. He thanked me and I was happy to help. I mean I hate sales people as much as anyone but she didn't even give him a chance. I felt so bad for him. It made me remember that rude crotchety man that had called me a dumbass earlier in the week. A nice guy asking for directions and she totally treats him like some criminal. Then Sunday night Chad got on this kick to make fresh beef jerky by this crazy method he saw on the food network. He had me to so excited that I rushed to Costco to buy the meat and what should have been a $20 visit quickly turned in to $170 visit. Man I can't be left alone in that place. So yeah, pretty interesting weekend. To us at least.
Amy came home last week and she agreed to come work for us part time and I'm so glad. I promised not to drag her back in to the company. We go to Mexico on Thursday. I am freaked out a bit cause Kristian told me to watch out for the cops who stop you for no reason and take you to jail and won't let you out until you pay them. Yeah, needed that. I won't obsess too much. yeah right.
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