the trouble with Roswell folks

Had an interesting encounter today. It's been a while since the crazies have been enrolled. Did you ever watch In Living Color on Fox back in the late 80's to early 90's? There was this character that Kenan Ivory Wayans played called Anton. He was a homeless guy who carried around a jar of his own pee and was always drunk. Very funny. Well, I have my own version of Anton, at least in appearance, to deal with. He's middle aged, walks with a limp and always wears a doo rag on his head. One of his googly eyes looks over to the left. At the beginning of the semester he came in with his financial aid voucher (a piece of paper that lets the financial aid kids charge against their grants/scholarships etc.) He spent like $400 in one day. He came back and spent some more the next day. Finally, financial aid figured out he over spent and was demanding he pay them back $140 in over charges. He came in several times and asked me to help him. I would print out all his receipts for him and show him, several times over, what he charged, what day he charged and that he signed for all of his charges. Then I'd send him back to financial aid. Then they'd send him back. I couldn't figure out why this kept happening. Finally, one afternoon he asked for all the receipts again because he was sure he paid in cash, not financial aid. So I showed him that was not the case. He was confused. Disoriented. Then he accused me of being smart and knowing how to get around these sort of things to make it look like he spent financial aid's money and not cash. Basically, he accused me of stealing from him. I told him flat out that I didn't appreciate the implication and that he'd better back it up and rethink what he just said. He apologized and left. Well that was in January. He's been in several times since then just to buy candy and soda. But today he decided to let me in to his little strange world. Here's how it went down.
Anton:"I need to ask you a question, but I'll wait until everyone else leaves."
Cracker: "okay" ...........everyone leaves the store and it's just him and me now.
Anton: "Do you ever have problems with Roswell people?"
Cracker: "Uh, you mean like people from Roswell, New Mexico?"
Anton: "No, like area 51 Roswell, up there" and he gestured off in to the direction of what I assume was Nevada.
Cracker: "No. ....................why do you ask?"
Anton: "well, cause they're up to no good. they cause problems. they say I need to buy this software (not holding any software) and I just don't see why. they make things difficult and things have just been different since that whole Roswell thing happend. No one will talk about it. Except me. I know what's going on."
Cracker: " and you find that the common link between these folk is that they're all from Roswell?"
Anton: "Yeah."
Cracker" "Okay, well, I'll keep my eyes open for them and report back to you."
My friend, Joe, who works in next door in security, came by and I told him my story and he wasn't the least bit shocked. He told me that he'd come in to their office moments before he came to me and had complained that strange things were going on and he wanted to report them but couldn't specify what those strange things were (other than him, of course.)
I have the mark of the rhino.
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