Back from Orlando

We had just went down Splash Mtn. We were in the front. The water really stung my eyes.
We had to earn all the different pins for our lanyards. Our theme was "connections" and all the pins represent puzzle pieces of our corporate values. I earned the round pin for getting up early (3a.m. AZ time) and doing water aerobics. Only 16 of us did it out of 1000+. Others did a 3K or 5K.

My boss and me and Mickey and Minnie
We had to dress up for the awards dinner. This is in the lobby
Around the hotel grounds I found this beautiful Magnolia.
Cinderella's Castle, Magic Kingdom
Just got back from Orlando last night. The company sends all managers and higher ranking employees to Florida every other year. I had a really good time this go around. I got to room with Amy, my old textbook manager at Estrella. She now manages one the Devry stores here in Phoenix. We did lots of work stuff but got to play a lot as well. One night we went to the Magic Kingdom (which I call Disney World but apparently that's wrong because the entire property is Disney World and the Disneyland duplicate is called the Magic Kingdom.) 5 Managers and our boss went and we had a super fun time in 5 hours. We rode every mountain in front of us, some a couple of times over. The park wasn't very crowded and the lines weren't very long and it is a scary look in how crappy our economy is to see Disneyworld only half full. Next week we're off to Jamaica and I am counting the days, less than 9 now.
In other news, I got my money back from that psycho in Florida. Seems a surprise visit with a bat was the way to go. No, actually, Paypal ruled in my favor and she agreed to give me a refund once I sent her back her peice of crap. Justice prevails and I hope kharma bites her on the ass for trying to get out of doing the right thing and instead have the post office pick up the bill for it.
I got home and Shadow has some gigantic growth on the top of her tail, at the end of her back. Don't know how she got it. It's about the size of a golf ball underneathe her skin. Chad took her in to the vet and they cut it open and squeezed some stuff out but apparently that's all they did cause when I got home last night she was bleeding on my carpet. The lamp shade Chad bought for her to keep her from licking at it was doing the trick cause she has a tongue longer than the shade so she got at it and reopended the scab. We had to rig it last night and staple some construction paper on the perimeter of the shade to extend it. Now she's even blinder than before and running in to everything. She can't get out the doggie door or eat or drink with it on so I took it off while I'm awake. I've had a very close eye on her since I returned. I've been trying to get a scab to regrow but the gash is so deep that it's gonna take more than a few days of neosporin and bandaging to heal it. She's not gushing at all it's just kinda dripping out of her. I bandaged it up but it's in such a bad angle with her butt and her legs that the bandage has to be reset every few hours or when she manages to get at it when I take my eyes off of her. Poor thing. She's in good spirits though so at least I know it's not hurting her.
Super bad news is that Tivo didn't record LOST and I don't know why since it has never missed recording an episode since I set the season pass so I am more than a little upset. I'm gonna have to buckle down and watch it on my computer monitor. 2 hour season finale is worth sitting at my desk I guess.
Looking good, kiddo.
Glad you had a good time in Florida. Wish I could say I miss those meetings.
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