romanian cracker

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

et tu, t.v.?

I looked around today and I am just so unhappy with television lately that I thought I'd share my disgust with you lovely people. My Tivo has so little to do. My scheduled recordings don't go past the 14th. That's highly unusual. What is the deal with striking writers for 3 months and then they come back only to give us mediocre 4 to 5 episodes and then take the summer off? Why should they get the summer off? Didn't they just get 3 months off? I say it's time to do some over time before we get so fed up with television that we actually go out and find more meaningful ways of entertaining ourselves like volunteer work, exercising, binge drinking or reading (hahahahaha sorry just had to throw that in there to see if you were paying attention. see, it's funny cause I don't like to read. oh, never mind.) My point is that studios have a lot to make up for with us faithful watchers. Sure, TV is free (yeah, that's why I pay Cox $200/month) but the both the studios and the advertisers need us to watch TV otherwise we won't go out and know which crap of theirs to buy. Thus hurting our already saggy economy and henceforth sending us straight into an ugly recession the likes of which ye have never seen.....arrrr! Thank blog that Showtime is bringing back Weeds for the summer but in all honesty I haven't seen a new episode since August 2007 so they have a bit of nerve keeping fans waiting that long between seasons every year. Those tricky bastards are taking a big risk cause people my age today are so brain dead that they're not going to remember to tune in again in 10 months to see what happened. Am I right? I am.
In other news and grumblings, where the hell is my stimulus check? I don't know. I was supposed to get it by May 16 but so far nothing. Chad hasn't gotten his either. Most of my friends have gotten theirs and Chad and I filed and cashed our tax returns in February so why we don't each have $600 now is beyond me. My friend Corina paid her taxes on April 15 and she still got her money a week before I was "scheduled" to get mine. Why am I destined to be held down? By TV, and by G.W.? I know it's not cause we make too much money. That's certainly not the issue. Last I checked my karma was doing just fine so what is the freaking deal?


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