confessions of a NKOTB fanatic

That's New Kids on the Block to you. Just my favorite band and obsession from my early teen years, that's all. Heading in to the 90's this country was hungry for a break from big hair and giant shoulder pads and a group of 5 young singers would come to show us relief. Truly I don't think I was ever so obessessed with anything as I was with NKOTB. I owned tons of merchandise and video taped every appearance they made, which in those days actually had to be done by hand, in real time, gasp. My friends and I were boy crazy and loved cheesy bubble gum pop music. It was a good time to be alive. They disbanded in 1994 or so and by that time I had moved on to alternative music and grunge clothing as most of my cohorts had. In my heart they remained but in secret. Many reunions were rumored but never amounted to much until this last April. They came together again and released a new album and are coming to my hometown tomorrow for a show. I bought my tickets the minute they went on sale. I bought 4 tickets and tomorrow night we are going to be blockheads again. I don't really talk to most of my old friends from back in my youth but one of the girls is coming with me. Wendy and I recently started hanging out again and I am happy to be sharing this with her. I've known her since 5th grade. we lost touch late in high school and then Karin reintroduced us a few months ago and as soon as I told her I bought a ticket for her she flipped! We are so excited. So, the radio station is giving out tickets left adn right and they are also giving out passes to see them in the sound check for a meet and greet. HOLY COW, I need to meet New Kids! clearly. I've never met a celebrity and in general don't really care about many of them. I mean not enough to want to meet them but NKOTB is a different story. They were there in my formative years. That doesn't go away. So the contest on KISS FM is to comment on one of the DJ's blogs about which new kid is the hottest and why. The each comment is a chance to win the sound check passes. Well hell, I can comment. So I did. told all the girls to also. Then I noticed several people left several comments and read a comment from teh DJ himself that said something like "I've got peopel watching this closely to see who really wants this the most" and bam boom that did it for me. I started commenting over and over and over and over again. I have barely left my computer since Thursday night at 5. So far I have left over 400 comments out of 916 and there have been a few girls who have tried to go head to head with me. I have a strategy. The one girl who was my competition all day Friday all of sudden stopped posting. Then two other girls showed up and started posting but I never stopped. I posted up old pictures of me with all my old NKOTB stuff, new pictures of Chloe and other random stuff. I wrote poems, songs, haikus etc. BAsically whatever came to my mind I commented about it. I even made up a brother who antagonized me and I would retaliate against him in funny ways. Most of what I said was true. Old memories of the first NKOTB concert I went to in 1991. These other amateurs were cutting and pasting from other sites. No originality, no heart. Although I started posting pics from google I always put in a cute saying or thought to go with them. When I couldn't post comment I had the girls login and post for me. My eyes hurt. my fingers are absolute jello. my neck and lower back ache. I hope I win. Now nothing is guaranteed. But I am hopeful that I am the very clear winner in wanting it the most. Either way I'm going to the show but damn I'd love to meet them in person. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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