Victoria Gotti has me so ticked off that you lucky bastards get two entries tonight!
Well by now most of you know that I am a reality tv junky. Mostly the ones where famous people are involved but I am not above the Real World etc. I was watching "Growing up Gotti" last night (A&E, the gotti family of famous mob guy, John Gotti, who's doing life in prison now).
They went to Rome. They're italian but speak only english. Fine we won't get bent out of shape about that but they gave their waiter a hard time. He barely spoke english. They ordered things that weren't on the menu (I guess rich folk have that luxury) and they order meat balls and the waiter asks them "what is meat ball?" and the aunt starts in "what do you mean what's a meat ball? MEAT BALL, MEAT BALL, don't you know what a meat ball is?" I don't speak italian but I am sure they do not have any words in their language that resemble the words meat or ball when refering to food. But it ticked me off because they couldnt take the time to learn a few words and their giving this waiter a hard time. Later they're shopping and Victoria says "there's no place like New York. We have 5th Avenue, Park Avenue ... this just doesn't compare to home" as she's walking by the Coliseum and she asks someone "what was that called again?" The expensive stores she knows but ancienct architecture is simply not important to her, even though it's her roots as she kept reminding her ungrateful, over-gelled sons. When they finally do stop to admire their surrounding they are insome alley and are looking up at people's clothes lines and they say "oh that's gorgeous, it reminds me of brooklyn, it's so traditional to hang up your clothes on wires. " It went on for a half hour and it just got worse. These are the people that make the europeans hate americans. I should have turned it off but it was one of those train wrecks in slow motion that you just can't turn off. Next time I am reading a book instead!