romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Victoria Gotti has me so ticked off that you lucky bastards get two entries tonight!

Well by now most of you know that I am a reality tv junky. Mostly the ones where famous people are involved but I am not above the Real World etc. I was watching "Growing up Gotti" last night (A&E, the gotti family of famous mob guy, John Gotti, who's doing life in prison now).
They went to Rome. They're italian but speak only english. Fine we won't get bent out of shape about that but they gave their waiter a hard time. He barely spoke english. They ordered things that weren't on the menu (I guess rich folk have that luxury) and they order meat balls and the waiter asks them "what is meat ball?" and the aunt starts in "what do you mean what's a meat ball? MEAT BALL, MEAT BALL, don't you know what a meat ball is?" I don't speak italian but I am sure they do not have any words in their language that resemble the words meat or ball when refering to food. But it ticked me off because they couldnt take the time to learn a few words and their giving this waiter a hard time. Later they're shopping and Victoria says "there's no place like New York. We have 5th Avenue, Park Avenue ... this just doesn't compare to home" as she's walking by the Coliseum and she asks someone "what was that called again?" The expensive stores she knows but ancienct architecture is simply not important to her, even though it's her roots as she kept reminding her ungrateful, over-gelled sons. When they finally do stop to admire their surrounding they are insome alley and are looking up at people's clothes lines and they say "oh that's gorgeous, it reminds me of brooklyn, it's so traditional to hang up your clothes on wires. " It went on for a half hour and it just got worse. These are the people that make the europeans hate americans. I should have turned it off but it was one of those train wrecks in slow motion that you just can't turn off. Next time I am reading a book instead!


Reason plays no factor in today's blog.

Today I had to take my car in for an oil change. while I am waiting for them to bring it out, one of the salesman comes up to me and asks which car is mine. I tell him the 03 eclipse. He says "how about I get you in to an 06 today?" I told him he'd have to give me even lower payments then what I have now. Then he asks what color I wanted. I told him the baby blue. He says "well I don't have an 06 in blue but I do have an 05." It was used, 17,000 miles on it. "so what do ya think, can I get you into a newer car today?" what the hell was this guy smokin? Wakka Wakka I told him it was too frivolous to change my car in for another just so I can have the color I want and it only has 5,000 less miles on it. Who knows what the last jackass owner did to it. I have to give him points for tryin but c'mon who just trades their car in for the same car but a differnt color?Ridiculous!


Saturday, August 27, 2005

The madness is over

Rush is finally behind me. Weekend 2
August was non-stop long days, go go go as fast as you can. Monday we had a record day in sales for our store. Admitingly, when Amy and all my girls were unpacking what seemed like a million boxes and having to re-invent space in our small 1000sq ft store with just over 1 million dollars in inventory, I thought "man we're never going to sell all these books!" Most shelves were stacked to the ceiling, we used space under tables, in walk ways and any nook and cranny we could fill up. Well, most of it disappeared by Monday night. The best part was that the line never got longer than 20 or so people. We were efficient. I trained much earlier this year so all new cashiers were ringing a record rate with little or no complications. No whining or bitching by customers. That's new! Although I did get chewed out by a young woman on Thursday night, she did call back later and apologize to me. Very rare! So now I can be lazy at work again, atleast until January when we get to do it all over again.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Aviator vs. Alexander

Chad and I watched Alexander last weekend. It has gotten bad reviews but we just wanted to be sure we weren't missing anything. Well it was 2 hours of just ridiculous crap. The story didn't flow, everyone had a different accent and I still have no clear picture of this historical figure. Chad was very upset. He said it was the worst movie ever. I said 'you haven't seen the aviatior" (Karen and Amy can back me on this. I dragged them to see it with me and I still feel bad about it.) Truly both movies were bad but Aviator was worse for me. If you have seen both movies let me know what you think!

My voice has dropped, now I'm just waiting for my balls to drop

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to sing in my car. I also love to have mini dance parties while I sing. Well, I have never been a great singer but I am proud that I can carry a tune and for a long time I could hit all the high notes and all the low notes. I'm talking the high notes that Mariah Carey hits. Well recently I have noticed that I can no longer hit the high notes anymore. In fact, while singing along to Evanescence the other day my voice cracked just like a pre-pubescent boy. Well, I thought maybe it was an isolated incident but no. I have cracked atleast 5 times now and it's embarrassing to me. So I guess my man voice has finally developed. Most men would be happy but I am not a man so this is crappy. Oh well I will stick to what I do best... deal with the village retards, keep my singing to myself from now on.

Friday, August 05, 2005

The fish were more plentiful than in Aruba but the picture taking was not as good this time around. It was cloudy and my mask kept fogging up so I was just aiming and shooting and hoping for the best. Posted by Picasa

up at the top, a lobster peeking out Posted by Picasa

man, I am a goofball! me and my starfish in Cozumel. Posted by Picasa