romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

sick sad world

I think I've had my fill of retail. Like officially this time. But whatever job I go to won't be any less filled with complete and utter retards. Most of the kids that wonder in aimlessly don't give a damn about college. Their parents or parole officer makes them attend and by the 4th week or so the parking lot is always back to half empty. Today this mom calls me up and she says

"well, you know how boys are a bit needy and stupid? if you could just get these books ready for my son so he doesn't get confused when he gets there, that would great."

and I said

"ma'am, how do you expect your son to not be stupid if you keep doing things like this for him?" and she laughs

"oh, I know, but if you could that would help a lot." so I didn't. he came in and I asked him for his schedule and he didn't have it. I told him

"your mom said you were bringing it."

he said he knew but he forgot it. c'mon. I literally just talked to her 30 minutes prior to him entering the store. why is he in college? if he can't even be bothered to find his own books or even bring his own schedule then maybe he should go ahead and just get that job at Starbucks cause I need him to get me my mocha fraps once a week. Why bother paying the district $1500 for your idiot slacker kid who doesn't even want to be there? Half these kids have no idea what classes they're taking. They expect us to hold their hands and do everything for them. I'm tired of it. America is getting stupid. Really really stupid. Did you know that 1/5 of American's can't point out the United States on a world map? That's outrageous! see video below for more ridiculousness! or just go it directly

Sunday, August 26, 2007

peace at last

I bought Chloe a halloween costume today, with Chad's blessing. She's gonna be the cutest strawberry in town! Rush is now mostly behind me. Tomorrow will probably be a bit busy but for the most part it's done. I had some really great temps and the whole week went pretty smoothly with a few small snags, but those are always to be expected. I held up a lot longer than normal. I lost my will to go on midday Friday. I had so much stress built up in my back that me and the girls went for massages. I had a full hour of deep tissue and when it was done I told her where it was painful (my fatty part just below my thumbs) and my masseuse said that I was having problems in my kidneys. We went for lunch and then to a purse party and I bought yet another Coach wallet. I am not sure where my obsession with Coach bags started but luckily there are enough inexpensive knock-offs out there to support a girls habit. It was a nice day not thinking about work and not worring about making others happy. Today Chad and I went over to the new Best Buy that just opened up by our house and it was customer service overload. Chad got angry cause he hates service and with 3 employess to every customer it was inevitable that we'd get asked "can I help you guys find something?" over 20 times....I'm not exaggerating. By the end Chad was cutting them off before they could finish their sentences and I turned in to the smiley happy girlfriend saying "no thanks" over his "NO!" Once again I forgot all the great blog ideas I had this week, whether it was about stupid students or unreasonable customers or just about how old I am getting and can't handle working 60 hours in one week. Yes, 60 hours doesn't isn't the end of the world but it's non-stop 13 hours a day of running, rushing, unloading, putting out fire after fire after fire cause when you're in charge everyone leaves the fires for you to extinguish all while you smile and give the excellant customer service that my company insists we cram down everyone's throats. Luckily it's only 2 weeks out of every year. Monday I didn't get to eat lunch until 3:30. I got there at 7:00a.m. and didn't leave until 8:00p.m. We cleared $98K that day. I know boo-hoo. But I'm exhausted, so give me a break. Fine, no more talk about work, I like it better that way. On a sad note, 2 of our hermit crabs died this week. Not sure why but last time we lost 2 small pets in one week we had a mouse in the house. I don't think we have mice cause I haven't seen any signes of them but I can't figure out why these "perfect" pets would both crawl out of their shells and croak. We've had Gaston for almost 2 years. The biggest crab, Bowser, is still kicking but we're watching him closely. wE wanted to pick out some new crabs today but once again there were way too many employees at Petsmart having a pow wow in front of the crab tank and Chad didn't want to deal with it. He's my shy little cranky old man.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

ignorance is bliss....

except for those of us unfortunate not to be that. I've had a lot on my mind this week and tons of good blog ideas but now have forgotten them all but I'll try to see if I can't remember them. School starts in just over a week and naturally the store is crazy busy and there's more work to do than can be done. Which reminds me of one of the things I wanted to moan about. Lazy slacker-ass people. I don't usually have problems with bad employees but this semester I found 2 jems that don't bother showing up on time or sometimes at all and then don't bother to call to let you know that they're not coming. Then you get some bull shit sob story that I only half believe but find hard to swallow when they are so slackerish while on the clock. One girl who has called out 6 times now in 5 weeks delegates the projects that we give her to the other temps who started after her. This last time she sends me a text message (that's how she normally calls in or she emails) and I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't think to have Chad check it until it was way too late. I had told her that she needed to call me directly at the store and speak to me rather than assume I read a text message when I rarely hear my phone go off. The other temp was a no-call, no-show for the second week in a row. Then when I called him to see if he was okay he gave me an excuse which was probably mostly valid but then when I reproached him for not filling me in he got silent and offended and then I asked him if he was coming in the rest of the week at all and he said probably not and once again I asked him if he was planning on telling me and he just didn't say anything. Please understand that I wasn't rude or harsh or raise my voice or anything. Considering how ticked off I was I managed to be very cordial and really I didn't have to be. Both these temps are over 30. How embarrassing to be a grown adult and such a total douche. I'd be mortified if I ever had to miss a day and then just not bother to call my boss. This all brings me to the same question I ask myself all the time. Am I so hard to talk to? I don't understand. One of my returning temps told me how much she liked me and how easy I am to talk to and how embarrassed she was for the other temp who couldn't bother to show up regularly. I told her how much I appreciated her saying that but it still makes me think that maybe I am scary too some people so it's easier to just not call. I've prided myself on being a reasonable and understanding boss (and on making up words like prided!) I don't freak out or judge or criticise. Oh well, 2 more weeks and I clean house and start fresh.