romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Friday, June 23, 2006

Lincoln and Jackie looking for beers Posted by Picasa

I'm dead sexy...not really. Posted by Picasa

our pre-burn beers Posted by Picasa

nacho libre sticking his tongue out at me...what else is new? Posted by Picasa

aren't we a motley crew. dinner after tubing Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"Oh cruel irony that I should be cold while my skin is on fire"

Says Chad. Chad and I took Jackie and her husband Lincoln tubing down the salt river on Sunday. Surprise! we got sun burned. Not unusual except we really did do our best to lather on the sunscreen but even 3 hours in the blistering AZ. sun is enough to fry your skin. Not to mention it was 113 degrees that day. We had a lot of fun relaxing and drinking and this group behind us brought their huge sound system and so we had music to listen to. Afterwards, I couldn't warm up... yes I said I could not warm up. I was wrapped up in my towel the whole way home and I was a huddled ball of burnt goose bumps in bed. It knocked me on my ass! I was so drained but at least I got some fresh air and exercise. I had to get myself and at times all of my party out of the way of river trees and grass. Chad got stuck one time and we lost him for 10 minutes. Then he took a high jump off the cliff but I missed it cause I couldn't out power the current and by the time I stopped I was way out of site but Jackie says it was cool. I took pictures but they're on a disposable camera which I haven't taken in for development... ancient practice but as soon as I do get them I will post them... of course.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

R.I.P. Pierre ?-2006

Pierre is dead. I don't know what killed him. I left for Indiana and when I came home he was lifeless and literally a shell of his former self. Gaston on the other hand took it upon himself to upgrade his shell with one of the ones I left our for Pierre. I guess crabs are picky about shells and don't just move in to any old shell and I suppose that's what killed Pierre. Poor little guy. Now Gaston runs the joint. I bought him a larger area to roam in and gave him some things to climb. I don't want to drive back to Mills to buy a new crab. What a jip.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Post wedding munchies.... this crap is so good they made a movie about it y'all! This was me and Chad's whole side goal of this trip....gotta try White Castle at the actual restaurant! We like to set goals!!Posted by Picasa

I look slightly possessed but 4 glasses of champagne and a whole lot of dancing will do that Posted by Picasa

Amy and I after I caught her bouquet....I took some bitches down to get those flowers... Posted by Picasa

Claire and I dancing to our song before the guests arrived...gotta love Dean Martin Posted by Picasa

Jackie and her two drinks... what a lush! Posted by Picasa

The happy groom and his beautiful bride Posted by Picasa

me doing... I have no idea what I was doing here Posted by Picasa

Lincoln (Jackie's husband) and me walking down the aisle Posted by Picasa

the most elaborate cake I've ever seen. It was tasty. Posted by Picasa

Hunter (Jackie's oldest son) and me. he's a hugger. Posted by Picasa

me, Claire and Jackie after our hair appointment Posted by Picasa

my do from behind. this was not what I asked for and the more i look at it the angrier I get. I will post a pic of what it should have looked like. Posted by Picasa

my hippie and me Posted by Picasa

the blushing bride and her drag queen Posted by Picasa

the entire wedding party Posted by Picasa

Well we are back. Indiana was nothing like what I expected. Amy's told me about it a lot but I always picture things so much differently then what people describe as. When we got there it was a very nice 80 degrees and today when we left it was cold, rainy and 57 degrees. I had to borrow Jackie's sweater cause I wasn't bright enough to take my own. We were going going going all 4 days and finally we are sitting and enjoying some quiet time. Ryan's family (Amy's fiance....I mean husband... Whoa that's weird) was so nice and they put on a good show. I had so much fun getting to know Claire (Amy's friend who lives in Michigan and whom I've heard tons about but have never met) and hanging out with Jackie and her husband and sons and Amy's brother Tony was a total hoot, just like his fabulous sister. I didn't get to spend too much time with Amy but that was to be expected as she was a worried freaked out bride, as is the standard in these sorts of things. Ryan took us to White Castle and we can now scratch that from our "to do" list. The coolest part for me was in the airport just after we arrived. I swear that I saw the actor who plays Locke on LOST. Chad saw him too and we both looked at eachother like 'that's Locke on LOST' but we didn't go up to him because we weren't 100% sure. I really wish I had now cause anyone who knows me knows what a LOST fanatic I am and that would have just made my day to meet him but he was also on his cell so I didn't want to interrupt him just so I could be a jackass. Awesome. Next stop... New York to see Adam and Jennifer.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

this is still some of the old Pierre stuck on the new Pierre still inside his old shell. I saw him move this morning but have not seen him move since. I hope he has moved by the time I return. Anyone know how long these things take? Posted by Picasa

this is a piece of Pierre. the shells on the right are his new home choices. hopefully he likes one so that he doesn't die. Posted by Picasa

this is the dried carcass of my old crab Purple. He died, I assume, because after he shed his skin he didn't like the new shell I bought him and didn't make his move. He couldn't stay in his old purple shell b/c it was now too small. Posted by Picasa

Hey man you seen my skin?

so Pierre is molting. I though he was dead this morning when I picked him up, turns out he's just in between skins at the moment. That explains why he never comes out to chat since I bought him. I left out some new shells for him. They were my old crab's shells (Orange and Purple were their names). I boiled them and found that one shell still had some carcass in it. It was attached to the shell and I had to poke it out with a small pair of scissors. It looked just like a mushroom, sorta stinky. I had not idea that they were physically attached to the shell. Fascinating. Hope the pics aren't too graphic.
Okay I gottta get in bed as I have a flight to catch at the butt crack of dawn so I will talk to my homeys later. I am going to Indiana to see my good friend Amy get married. I have a giant gown and it makes me look like a drag queen. Can't wait to share those pics with you guys.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I found Nemo! this was at the aquarium inside Epcot. Posted by Picasa