Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Las Vegas Baby!!

So I was trying to wait until I had all the pics to post my slideshow for Vegas. I'm still missing a few shots but these are all my faves so far. Me and the girls drove to Vegas for my birthday weekend. My friend Courtney is getting married this coming weekend so it was also her bachelorette party as well. We had a blast. We stayed at Mandalay Bay, which can be quite reasonable split 6 ways! We drove in Friday and that was my day to celebrate. We ordered matching shirts for each day. My shirts were pink and mine said "it's my bday, bitches!" and the girls' shirts said "jojo's bday bitches." I'm not one to use the term bitch unless I truly hate someone but I thought it was funny. Whenever we'd get separated I'd yell out "Over here bitches!" and they'd all come running. At first I didn't like calling anyone a bitch but they told me I had to be more forceful and by the end of the weekend I had it down. We went clubbing (which isn't my thing at all but I ended up having a lot of fun.) I got tons of happy birthdays from strangers and everywhere we went people took notice, mostly cause of our bright pink shirts but also cause were annoying as hell being loud and just enjoying ourselves. But the cool thing was that in Vegas anything goes so no one seemed to be annoyed with us. Most people interacted with us. The funnest part for me was when I got serenaded in front of the Belagio. This little black man, that smelled like a dirty ashtray, played "you look beautiful tonight" by Eric Clapton on his harmonica. Then he and a bunch of guys that were standing around him and all the girls sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I asked him to play "Layla" but he didn't know that one. Then the fountains started up and they were dancing to Elvis' "Viva Las Vegas" and we all danced and sang along. It was so much fun. Those were my favorite pics but I haven't gotten those yet. The next day we wore out Courtney shirts. Her shirt said "I'm tying the knot, buy me a shot" and our shirt's said "Bride's posse." We did some more clubbing. Lots and lots of clubbing. We danced a lot and spent small fortunes on drinks (well I didn't cause I only had $100 to my name for the whole weekend and I couldn't justify spending $8 on one beer. We spent most of the night at Caesar's Palace. We saw Cleopatra in the bathroom. We made wedding veils out of toilet paper as part of our scavenger hunt duties. By Sunday we were all pretty wore out and happy to head home. We basically woke up and voted unanimously to just go home. We decided we should do it every year. It was one of the best birthday's I've ever had. Thanks to my girls for making it so special.