nice girls finish last too!

I did not win my contest. Nope. Some girl who posted 20 comments won. I posted 500+ comments and I lost. I was robbed. Really just fucked in the goat ass robbed. That's how I felt. I waited until 4:30 in the afternoon the day of the concert only to hear some girl named Jennifer take my prize from me. I went in to the arena pretty bummed but by the time New Kids hit the stage I was over it and so excited. They put on a terrific show. I sang along to all the songs and danced and felt like I was a preteen again. I got goosebumps when they came out. I couldn't stop screaming! There was a super creep behind me with his mom or maybe it was his wife. I don't know but he was the oldest guy there who didn't bring his daughter and knew all the lyrics even better than I did and every chance he got he'd scream out "yeah, you guys rock, yeah, you're so awesome!" Kinda scary but he was just there the same reason the rest of us 20,000 girls were so I can't really fault him. We tried our best to get backstage after teh concert but the security were very uncaring and unimpressed with our pleas and in the end escorted us out of the arena.
The next day I told everyone and they all agreed that I got royally screwed out of what will probably be my only opportunity to meet NKOTB. My dear friend Kristian actually emailed the DJ, Chino, at the radio station:
Hi Chino....
I have a friend that busted her butt posting on your blog for the chance to see the New Kids backstage....She clearly had a majority of posts...but it looks like you chose from your page rather from the actual posts to your blog? Maybe this was an oversight She emailed you prior asking for clarification and you said to keep doing what she was doing....and she did....and someone else won.
Do you think you could do some secondary kind of NICE thing by possibly just calling her before the show and mentioning her effort? I would mean the world to her since she is still going to the concert but isn't going to be able to see them back stage.
I have a friend that busted her butt posting on your blog for the chance to see the New Kids backstage....She clearly had a majority of posts...but it looks like you chose from your page rather from the actual posts to your blog? Maybe this was an oversight She emailed you prior asking for clarification and you said to keep doing what she was doing....and she did....and someone else won.
Do you think you could do some secondary kind of NICE thing by possibly just calling her before the show and mentioning her effort? I would mean the world to her since she is still going to the concert but isn't going to be able to see them back stage.
Nothing came of it so he wrote Chino again:
Hey...I just want you to know that just a few extra minutes of your day could have made a huge difference in someone's life.
Friends of Joana's, along with me, went back to your blog. The "winner" had 20 some posts....Joana had over 500 posts. We can't figure out the rules and how the 'winner' won...but please, if you would, call her just to acknowledge all her work on your blog. If you look, you would have had relatively few posts and energy spent on it at all if it weren't for her.
Yea, it may all seem very juvenile, but what would it hurt to give her some credit as well as making a faithful listener just a little bit happy?
Friends of Joana's, along with me, went back to your blog. The "winner" had 20 some posts....Joana had over 500 posts. We can't figure out the rules and how the 'winner' won...but please, if you would, call her just to acknowledge all her work on your blog. If you look, you would have had relatively few posts and energy spent on it at all if it weren't for her.
Yea, it may all seem very juvenile, but what would it hurt to give her some credit as well as making a faithful listener just a little bit happy?
That apparently did the trick because Chino actually did call me and said "wow, you have some pretty great friends chewing me out over here." I told him that I did not put Kris up to it and he said he was sorry that I wasn't chosen the winner but that it wasn't about quantity and that it was completely random and he wasn't even involved in the picking of the winner. Seems silly to me to put your name on it and not pick the winner but I guess it's just a job to him and he does what he's told. My name is on a bunch of shit at work that I don't necessarily endorse or care about so I assume it's the same thing for Chino. He promised me that if I went in and posted a comment on the new blog I would for sure be the winner for the 8x10 autographed photo of the entire group. I did and he did. He called me and put me on the radio and eveything. He posted me as teh official winner on his web page and everything. See far left and also top center of the page.
The next day I drove my happy ass down to the radio station and the receptionist couldn't find my photograph. Lucky for me Chino was just showing up for work and walked by. Corina got his attention and he came over and I thanked him. He knew where my photo was and he handed it over to me personally. He apologized again and was very nice about the whole thing.