Friday, July 28, 2006
Back off...I'm starving!
It's been pretty slow around here lately. Work is going in to high gear next week and we should hit over drive by the second week of August so my blogs will be more angry and less frequent. I joined Weight Watchers with Karin this week. At first I was really excited and happy. My first weigh in put me at 6lbs less then what I have been averaging the last 3 years so that was a surprise. So I have a certain amount of points I have to stick to each day. I have to write everything down and subtract points from my total allowance and if I need to I get flex points to use as I see fit. Well by the end of the first 24 hours I was getting a bit discouraged. Portions are completely out of my realm of comprehension. I always just filled my plate and then when I was done I'd fill my plate again (that's probably why I got fat, duh.) As a kid I never ever had to watch what I ate. Even as a teenager I never had to. When I was 20 I weighed 130lbs and I'm 5'10. Then 21 came I just started plumping up and while I have reached a plateau there's just no reason to stay this heavy. Now I have to measure most things out like cheese and olive oil and milk. Chad made burgers my first night and they are so good but I only had one and without a bun it cost me 5 points. He had to make it out to about the size of his palm or 3oz. The cheese cost me 2 points and the onions he stuck in there and carmelized cost me 1 point. My first day I went into 4 of my flex points. I got discouraged and frantic and felt like I'd never finish this process. I reeeaaally wanted a beer but didn't want to waste 2pts so that I could spend them on potatoes. I know it will get easier and I think to myself that this is by far not the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. I'm gonna suck it up and get to my goal weight and then I can stop counting. I will still use their practices often but no more of this how many ounces of cheese do I get to have today nonsense!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
My trip to CO. and my new love
Jackie was so nice and invited me to her family reunion in Colorado. Her parents have a cabin up in a small town just north of the border called Cortez. We drove for 8 hours but it was all worth it. My weekend was packed with many firsts. She has a huge family but she was so nice and made sure to include me in everything. First off the elevation was 7500 feet and that played a cute trick on me my first morning there. Combine that with me not taking my blood pressure meds the night before and well ...I will be more careful in the future. But after that it was smooth sailing. We went fishing and I finally caught my first firsh ever. Chad's taken me a few times but neither of us have ever caught anything in any of our lakes here at home. She is a fishing wiz. She managed to get me to catch a fish and then eight more for all the kids that came with us but she cleverly disguised it as though they had caught the fish...which makes me think she did that to me too but she swears she didn't. I believe her, it makes me feel less useless! Then we went on a horseback ride and I've never been on a horse. I was pretty freaked out at first. Mostly because I thought at any moment this horse could get spooked and just take off and I'd land on my neck in the process. I had a slow sweet horse that took it's time. He probably felt how tense I was and how hard my thighs were holding on. At one point we fell far behind the other riders so I gave him a gentle push to move faster and he started to gallop. I pulled back on his reighns and started yelling "Whoa!" over and over again but I was laughing at the same time. Now I know you're thinking "hey, is Jackie your new love? what does that title mean?' Well, yes Jackie is one of my loves now but I was referring to the horse I rode. I kissed his nose and we just loved eachother afterwards. Horses always kinda scared me before but now I absolutely love them. On my way home (I drove my own car) I stopped at Four Corners and that was pretty much exactly as I had envisioned it. I made it home in only 6 hours this time. I love my little car. It goes 95mph without even the slightest hint of hesitation. I had such a good weekend. Poor Chad couldn't come as he was working as always.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Heebie Jeebies part 2
Last night I found a notebook left behind by a customer. Pretty standard stuff except that the notebook has my last name on it. not my last name exactly, the o is replaced with an a. Still very freaky. Well my last name is not that common, in fact I've never known anyone with my last name as it is a shortened version of my original last name that my mom changed when we became US citizens. So why is it on this notebook in big letters? I don't know. It's in scary child like serial killer handwriting. It says 'xxxx (last name left out for my protection) leatr books and braning" doesn't mean anything to me except that my last name is on there twice and it was left behind in my bookstore. Coincidence? I'm not sure. I hope so. Inside there is a studnet info sheet with the students name on it and her social security number. On the first few pages there is some diagram of about 30 instructors names with a six digit number under each of their names. At first I thought it was all of their extension but at second glance they are not extensions. It's set up like a family tree diagram with one name on top of a triangle. On the next couple of pages are names I don't recognize and phone numbers, all from out of state, all different area codes. Kristian thinks it belongs to the custodian who's mentally challenged but I don't agree. He never says a word and is all around behavior doesn't make sense. He doesn't seem focused enough to find out what my last name is and then write it down. Now I'm a hunt for the perp!
Monday, July 10, 2006
I've turned in to a girl
I'm changing. I don't know where or why or when it will stop. I've been a late bloomer but am finally turning in to a young lady. Although I have a potty mouth and I burp and fart and make rude gestures to people when I drive...I have always considered myself a lady in my general manners. But as far as looks and interests go I have had to catch up to my age. I've almost never worn makeup, dresses/skirts or been interested in shoes or purses as much as most females my age. But in the last couple of months I have been coming around. I wore a dress AND heels to my manager's meeting and I enjoyed it. I'm considering doing it again. I've had facials and pedicures several times in the last 6 months (I don't get manicures cause I stil have to unpack boxes at work.) A couple of months ago I couldn't rest until I bought this Tiffany necklace. I have purchased 3 expensive purses in the past 3 months and last week I bought makeup and have been wearing it every day since. I just received my first designer bag...A Louis Vuitton tote that I love. I got a smoking deal on it on eBay (it's probably imitation but let me have my moment.) For those of you who haven't noticed I've changed my blog to pink fluffy hearts. I've started to drink coffee which is something I thought I'd never do and swore up and down to my mom that she was wrong when she told me I'd come around to it (she said the same thing about beer so I should've known she was always going to be right.) I've started looking at cappuccino machines. Who am I? I almost don't recognize myself. I find my tastes and interests shifting. I've been a plain Jane all my life. If you know me even a little you know that I've never followed fashion or kept up with styles or trends. I am ready to let my girly side loose...Well more loose then normal which in everybody else's terms means I'm no longer a frigid bore. At least I hope not but I think I'm on my way.

Can I bother you for a kidney?
On the radio this afternoon they were talking about donating kidneys. It got me thinking about whether or not I would ever give my kidney to anyone and I was surprised to find myself saying no, I wouldn't give my kidney to anyone except maybe my child that I will probably never have. It was a scary thought. I always thought I would give it if anyone ever needed it but how many people can I count to be around for the rest of my life. That may sound selfish but let's be realistic here. It is extremely invasive to the donor, I think more so then to the receipient. I think it takes years off the donor's life. Then let's say you stop talking, years go by and now some schmuck that can't be bothered to call you is walking around with one of your major organs. I know that is selfish but I am just being honest. It's not like a monetary loan that you may not get back or a letter of recommendation, it's an organ people! I don't know if any body I know would even ask but if they did, they should be prepared for me to scrutinize every moment of our relationship. Kristian said I am on his very short list of people he would give his kidney to. I feel bad but I'd still have to say that I'd have to seriously think about it before I could return the favor. I guess it's cause I'm an only child. Am I wrong here?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Good time was had by all
So last night Jackie had a bunch of us over for a slumber party. Not the regular kind but the party kind where you buy naughty things and talk about sex. That was fun but the real fun arrived at 9:30. His name was Chase and he was too old to be stipping but we had a good laugh anyways. He couldn't have been more than maybe 5'6" and his hair was thinning on top and his stomach was sorta flabby. Hey mine is too but the point is that I don't get naked for money and he does. He was dressed in army fatigues and smelled as if he'd taken a bath in cologne, as is the standard in male stippers. He shook his money maker at us for about 40 minutes. The fun part for me, and I think for all the other girls, was all the stupid shit we did while he was giving private dances. We danced and did shots and drank some more and were loud and obnoxious and could not stop laughing. We all bonded. The funny thing is is that most of us did not know eachother at all. The point of Jackie's party was for her to sell some product and get her name out so she could book more parties. She posted a bulletin on Myspace to all her friends and told them all to bring as many friends as they could. So we had about 20 girls there and they were split up in to their own individual groups of 3 or more, that's how they all showed up. Well, it's amazing what a banana hammock and some alcohol can do to bring of bunch of strangers together in sisterhood! Any girl can tell you how petty and mean girls can be with one another but last night it was anything but. We all acted as though we had known eachother for years and we all got along and made eachother laugh. It was the best time I've had with just the girls in years! I said we should start a club and do this once a month. I think most of them agreed! I posted the least offensive pics I could find!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Dali Lama!
I'd like to say Happy Birthday to the Dali Lama. I like this guy! I wish I was less selfish and that I didn't need any material possessions. I think he's a great role model for anyone, especially in my current mood when the whole world just makes me question what's it all about? I like his no-nonsense attitude and happy nature. I wish I could be more like you Dali Lama but until then I just have to admire you from afar.
Monday, July 03, 2006
RISK is serious business
Not much going on in my world this week. But in an effort to stay a dilligant blogger I thougth I'd better come up with something. Last Thursday Chad and I went over to Jackie and Lincoln's house for a little friends game night. We forgot to take our games with us and most of Jackie's games are meant for children 8 or younger so we decided on RISK. I've only played once and I've always had a deep hate for the game because when I was in the 6th grade the boys in my class were having their own RISK tournament during recess and lunch. Well one day some kid was out sick and they needed a sixth player and some how I got chosen to stay behind from recess and lunch recess that day so I could play with them. I was so pissed. Taking away recess from a 10 years old is just plain mean and boys have coodies. Anyway Lincoln took his time and explained the game and we did okay for a while but then Jackie's and my armies started to dwindle and then before you knew it we were off the board and nameing our armies to entertain ourselves while the boys finished playing. Then we went in to heated charades battle and I don't remember who won but I think it was me and Chad with the final movie we acted out 10 seconds faster then Lincoln and Jackie. We had a blast and are going to make a regular thing out of it. Chad and I have a title to uphold after all.

see pics below