Another rush is behind me! WooHoo! I am tired but overall pleased with my week of non-stop work. First off, Monday morning the air isn't working too well and it's a bit toasty. It has been like this all summer but now it will be much worse with 200 people trying to cram themselves in to my small store. Well, one cashier turns green and has a panic attack. She couldn't hack it and left. She did not return or even call me to tell me as much. Then another cashier made it for Monday but had a huge family glitch and didn't show up for the rest of the week. So guess who ran register all morning long? I also got Chad to run one. So me, Chad and one temp who did show up when he was supposed to ran the front of the store for 5 hours straight without a break in the line. Then my greeter at night turned out to have ADHD. He told me as much but I could certainly tell from the way he would wonder off outside with friends he hadn't seen in a while or when he'd just break out in to song or rap. He managed to greet every pretty girl and made friends with all the guys. He meant well but by the end I had to pull him aside 2 different occasions to remind him that he was working and that he had to stay focused. By Thursday I stopped calling him by name and just called him Spaz Attack. The best part of my week was my second audit from the evil witches at the Weights and Measures Dept. As you might remember the shrews with badges came and ruined my week back in January.
Failing my store with a score of 96% and 94%. Well, most of the thanks goes to my dear assistant manager who has been on the pricing rampage since that awful day in January. We passed both tests with 100%. I was beaming. By the end of the week Kristian and I were pretty tired having worked 7:00a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for 3 nights straight and until 6:00 on Thursday. By Friday we were trying to sneak out by 2:00 but it didn't happen. My boss, the suit not the cool boss, came for a visit. Luckily we were more then prepared for it and he didn't stay for more than 30 minutes. He patted me and Kristian on the back for a job well done. However I think if the roof had caved in he would still be happy seeing as he had just been in a confrontation at my former store with their text manager who ultimately ended up quitting. He was mad but he kept it together for my visit. It was a successful week thanks to Kristian and Aimee and Patrick who worked lots of overtime in the worst post of them all...The refund line. I have never ever had two temps drop off the schedule let alone one but there's nothing I can't handle in this job. I am a 10 year veteran. I was only yelled at once, got attitude from only one instructor but thanks to my skills I diffused both situations and avoided any unpleasantness! Yes I am pretty proud but I couldn't have done it without my core staff and my few faithful temps who stuck it out thru the ugly moments. I feel like I've won the oscar for best rush performance. Clearly I'm delirious from exhaustion so I will sign off now.