romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Oh, the horror!

Anyone who knows me knows that I walk fast, talk fast and generally rush thru life, skipping details that are sometimes very important. Case in point, yesterday I went to the bathroom at work. It's a public bathroom in the next hallway over. I storm in there just like I do every day and head straight to the handicap stall at the end, which had the door wide open. Next thing you know there's a woman sittin' on the toilet getting ready to finish her business.Cover Up I screamed in horror and turned around and yelled out
"oh my god, I am so sorry Linda, I thought this stall was empty!!" and she was very casual and said "oh, it's my fault I gotta learn to close these doors behind me. I'm just so use to being in my own home."
The thing is there was already a girl in there at the sink so it's not like the bathroom was empty. She just had the door wide open. It could've happend to anyone and in 5 years of working there it finally happend to me. I had heard this happening to other girls but never thought I'd be subject to it. The thing about Linda is she's kinda...I don't know how to say it. She's this older, bigger woman who likes to hassle white folk and pay for things with money from her sweaty bra. I even parodied her in our original video because everyone has had a run in with her and now this is just a mental picture I will have be reminded of everytime she walkes in to the store to purchase something, which is twice a day.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who are these people?

This weekend was my 10 year high school reunion. Karin dragged me with her and I tried to drag Ramin but the lucky bastard was in Texas for work and got out of it. I was reluctant ,mostly because all of the people I really care to talk to anymore are already involved in my life which only left a few names left to be seen. The others did not show up and all the people who did show up are the one's I barely knew or knew of in school. I didn't have classes with most of these people and just felt overall uncomfortable like I was in a room full of strangers even though I knew almost all of their names and faces. Karin knew people from way back in elementary school. All the people from my elementary school went to a different high school. Our graduating class had 350+ students and only 100 showed up last night. It was a pretty big let down. I mean I really don't know what I expected. I had a lot of fun in high school and I had a list of people I really wanted to see and none of them showed up. Probably for the same reasons I didn't want to go. The planning team put on a nice evening but I'm glad I won't have to do it again for another 10 years.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Myspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsGlitter GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Backgrounds

I am the Weight Watchers Queen!

So one week of totally blowing off my new healthy life style didn't hurt me a bit. I lost 3 more pounds. I was so excited. I got to eat my corned beef sandwich extraodinare and I didn't pay for it. Too awesome. It's so much easier now then it was weeks ago. I'm 9 weeks in and I no longer feel like slitting my wrists from everything I shouldn't eat and all the extra helping I can't have. Smiley Shell "It's gonna be ok" is what I kept telling myself and sure enough it is ok. I get full a lot faster and I don't worry about seconds because I almost never need seconds. Man I should have joined years ago but at least I did and now Chad's gonna have a smokin girlfriend! That lucky guy.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Our first day. We're amateurs at this point. Posted by Picasa

Ground Zero. Posted by Picasa

Adam and Jennifer's apartment. Posted by Picasa

Times Square at night. Posted by Picasa

Aww doesn't it just make you want to vomit? Posted by Picasa

New York Stock Exchange. Posted by Picasa

Chad on Wall Street under the charging bull. He makes me so proud. Posted by Picasa

How the hell do you read this thing? Actually Chad is quite the navigator (except for China town but we won't talk about that.) Posted by Picasa

Inside Grand Central Station. Posted by Picasa

Chad and Adam with the naked cowboy. That's false advertising to me but whatever. Posted by Picasa

Times Square on September 11. Posted by Picasa

St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was so beautiful. Chad and I love art history so this was a chance to get some in first hand. Posted by Picasa

This is the inside. Awesome. Posted by Picasa

The famous gold statue in front at Rockfellar Center Posted by Picasa

Us in Central Park. My camera was being difficult and we couldn't get a clear shot. Posted by Picasa

This is the front lobby of the museum. It was breathe taking. Posted by Picasa

Chad in front of a Sequia that showed the life line of the tree. It was over 100 years old. Posted by Picasa

The American Museum of Natural History. This was my favorite part. Posted by Picasa

FAO Schwartz on that giant piano from the movie Big. It costs $250,000! Posted by Picasa

This was our dinner at Carnegie Deli. It was delicious and worth falling off the Weight Watchers wagon! They even brought us a plate of pickles. It's like they knew I was coming! Posted by Picasa