romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

tis the time to be fat and happy

Chad and I celebrated thankxgivining early since he has to work tomorrow. He made a fabulous turkey we drank wine and fell asleep on the couch afterwards. Hope you everyone has a great holiday. Enjoy your day off work and my prayers are with you if you go out on Friday. Get your elbows ready! PirateI don't know why I put the pirate in, probably cause I like pirates!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I have now seen it all

We have this customer we call caricature. She's a typical stereo type of ghetto. She has more weeves with more colors in her hair, a bright fake diamond ring on each finger on both hands, really loud and obnoxious. She comes in here once a week with her much shorter friend. So they come in today and they have raised voices and that's normal for them but then their voices get louder..
caricature says "I said call me, don't be followin me up in here, call me just call me I ain't got no time to be messin wich you right now"
the friend is yelling "no, I need to talk to you now, doncha ignore me"
caricature " you best be gettin away from me, I don't wanna have to get up in yo face"
friend gets up in her face and says "oh yeah" and then they start brawling. Now caricature is significantly taller than her friend so it looks like a midget and a bean pole dancing. Their hands are locked and their yelling at each other. I missed most of the scuffle because I was calling security but I did hear Amy go up to them and yell "ladies, ladies let go of eachother we're all adults here" but that was no good they weren't going to let go. Friend yell out "call the police!!, call them now!!"
So I yelled out "they'll be here in a few seconds!"
So Ed comes in, he's an officer and tells thems to keep it down and then caricature looks at me and says
"she grabbed me first, you saw her" and I just said "I saw nothing" It's not even a full moon!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

This was my birthday present to myself. It's a 30GB Ipod with video. This is the Lion King on my Ipod. Posted by Picasa

What could this be? A small rodent? Donal Trumps black toupee? No... it's Shadow's fur. Yes she's shedding and I find these clumps all over the house. I Posted by Picasa

Rich people love coffee

I'm watching VH1, like I usually do, and there's a show about how celebrities spend their cash. I like these shows because it makes me feel more sane but it also makes me glad I am not rich cause I'd be blowing my money on some of this crap too. Most of the stuff is normal, cars, jets etc but what got me was the Kopi Luwak coffee. It comes from somewhere in India and it's $300 a pound. What makes this coffee so special? Well I am so glad you asked. The luwak is a small animal that resembles a ferret. The luwak eats a seed off the trees, poops it out and wam bam you have $300 coffee. Mmmm... luwak poop.
Raccoon = Coffee ???

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

when is it our turn?

APS announced that they are going to raise rates by 5% next month and again in April for another 5% to cover the increase costs of fuel and their little power outage at the nuclear power plant two weeks ago. The plant went down for 7 days or more and now we get to pay for it. Then, all these companies are losing money, like UPS and other companies that use vehicles regulary, are also losing money so they are passing the cost on to the consumer. How does big business get away with chargeing everone else for their losses? I mean I can't afford to spend $35.00 on gas every 7 days but I do. I don't pass the cost off on someone else. I mean I don't think I would if I could because it's my responsibility to pay my own expenses. If you think about it we are paying a little extra for everybody else on top of what we pay for ourselves. this is total crap. I don't care if a company stays in the red for a year or two. We have a van that delivers to all our stores in Phoenix and it mainly does this for the one college that is on-line and those students depend on being able to come and buy their books at a closer location then the central location of that college out in Tempe. the service has always been free and it will continue to be free because that's good business. We don't punish our customers, we just budget it in for next year and take our loss this year. The customers are already paying high gas prices and then they drive out to buy their books, why should they pay the gas bill of our driver?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why have we not yet taken over Canada?

No really. We are already the most powerful, rich country. If we had Canada we'd have that much more land and more residents and no one would ever want to mess with us! I mean it's already like America Junior. Let's just invade. Honestly, have you ever heard of their army. Have they ever gone to war? I know nothing about Canada and I assume that's because they are wasps and keep to themselves. I mean no one ever says "let's go vacation in Canada!" That will be on my agenda when I rule the world.

Yesterday I volunteered my finger tips for pin cushion duty. My cashier Vicki is in training to be a medical assistant and they needed practice so Amy and I went over and had our cholesterol and glucose levels checked and in order to do that they prick your finger to draw blood. Well wouldn't you know I am not a bleeder! Vicki couldn't get enough blood to come out. Man I can't do anything right!! I had them check my blood pressure and it was off the charts but what else is new?

I gave out candy the other night for the first time ever. I usually don't like it because it's a hassle to get up constantly but mostly because all the kids in my old neighborhood where little bastards! I probably won't do it again next year. Some of the older kids didn't bother to dress up and some of them weren't dressed up enough, meaning these 13 year-old girls left the house is their skank wear and passed it off as a costume. I am talking mini skirts and bra tops with fish knit stalkings. most of the kids didn't even bother to say "trick or treat" and most didn't say "thank you" or anything at all, they just pushed their pillow cases up to me. I ran out of candy in about 45 minutes because I was giving all the kids who came early 2 to 3 pieces each. I didn't think I'd get that many kids coming. I am a beginner, still learning the proper protocal for giving stuff out for free at my door step.