petty petty bitch

The phone with the gate, what is should look like, except attached and not broken. below is the piece that fell out of the phone.

I warn you this is a long one. I am gonna try and keep it short but I am so angry right now that I fear you all will have to hear it. Last week I won a Blackberry cell phone on Ebay. I paid $160 plus shipping. A new phone retails around $300. I got the phone and as soon as I opened the back the little metal piece ( I call it a gate) that holds the SIM card in place fell out. The gate is necessary to line up the SIM to the phone. Chad messed with it for hours. I emailed the seller:
Hello. I got the phone today and when I opened up the back panel and removed the battery the metal bracket that holds the SIM card in place was unattached and fell out. I tried to put my SIM card in to see if the battery would lock it in to place but it does not.
bitch replied:
Hi, We had the sim card removed professionally at a T-Mobile store just to make sure everything was done perfectly. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. Sim card locks in Blackberry's are very sensitive and we never handle them ourselves, we always go to a T-Mobile dealer. I would suppose your best bet would be to go to a T-Mobile facility and ask them to install your sim card and battery. It should be in full working order as that is how we sent it.
so I replied (and this is from memory cause this email got deleted by accident.)
I find it hard to beleive that you took the time to drive it to Tmobile to have them remove the SIM because you couldn't even be bothered to delete any of your phone number, pictures or to-do lists. I can not get the phone to work.
then she replied:
Hello, I want to keep this conversation as civil as possible, if you allow. I am an independent agent who works for a large firm that demos their products at Sam's Clubs and Costco Warehouse Clubs (translation: she's the old lady who hands out free samples.) I have the upmost confidence that the clubs T-Mobile representative did everything he had to do to get the sim card out correctly, if not, he would have told me so. I also, have no reason to lie to you as I'm a very busy person and would not waste my time or yours. My suggestion to you to go a T-Mobile rep is only because I'm not a phone expert. Although we both know we can't live without them these days. I'm sincerely sorry if I missed erasing all of my pics and contacts on the phone. They are easily erasable. However, I never once understood from your previous message to ask to work something out. I thought you wanted my input on the sim card issue. I gave you the background and its 100% True. Why won't you try to get some help locally first before jumping to negative conclusions? I will work with you, I promise.
so then I replied:
I am not trying to be uncivil and apologize if it seemed that way. It's extremely frustrating to spend a large amount of money and then not have it work properly straight out of the box. The only thing holding that metal piece was the battery. Otherwise it was like a maraca. I called Tmobile to see if my insurance would cover it and he said it would, only problem is if I can't register one phone call on the phone then there is no insurance because they will see that I was not the last person who owned that phone and then the warranty is void. I will take it down to a store tomorrow but have little hopes that they are capable of fixing it. I do not think you are doing anything dishonest but I am not either and the difference now is you have the $160 and I don't. All I have is a phone that is basically useless. I will let you know what happens tomorrow, hopefully I have only good to report.
pretty standard right? I was angry but was trying to keep it civil. she's a little uppity. you'll see that very soon. if you're still reading then you love me. I promise this gets juicy. so Chad had rigged it to work. We placed one call and thought we were in teh clear. He used electical tape to secure the SIM down. (please note I suggested using electrical tape hours before he had and he told me not to but I digress.) The next day I thought the phone was on network but I missed several calls. The card slipped and I couldn't get it secure again. I spent 20 minutes on the phone with support and she finally told me that it was hopeless and it would cost $110 to replace it thru the insurance company. fuck that. I could buy a new phone for all that money. So I emailed her:
I took phone to Tmobile and they said it was not fixable. At this point I think I just want a refund. I will fedex the phone to you tomorrow and when you receive it I ask you give me a full refund (less the shipping cost.)
and bitch replied:
Hello, We're also sorry that it came to this, however the phone was in 100% in working order when it left us. We guaranteed the phone until it left our hands at the post office. Since we don't know what really happened after it left us and how you or the T-Mobile person handled the phone, we cannot guarantee it wasn't tampered with after it left us. It is also possible that the package was dropped or thrown around during shipment and the phone got damaged. We paid $2.45 for insurance to cover any damage when shipped to you. We used Paypal services through Ebay, to print your label. You are covered by insurance, for the full price of the phone $165.00. Unfortunately, at this point, you will need to take this up with the USPS. Here?s a link on Ebay?s website that might help you get started. We will not refund your monies. This transaction is completed.
So, on Kristian's advice I filed a claim with Paypal directly. He said not to file with ebay because they seem to be more seller friendly then buyer friendly and that he's always gotten his refunds with paypal when he was ripped off. I filed a very simple, only the facts kind of dispute. That was Friday. The weekend was quiet and then all of a sudden the shit storm started today. Here's what I got first:
You are a very difficult person to deal with. We were trying to work with you and you filed a dispute, didnt wait for a reply from us, and the same day escalated it to a claim with Paypal. We sold you an item in perfect working order. You don't believe us, but its the truth. You bid on an item with a No refund policy. You added shipping insurance to make sure it got to you safely. Then, you go 'bezerk'. (who went bezerk? me? really? me?)Your claim that the box was not damaged during shipment, is your opinion, not a fact. You were not there during transit, to see how they treated the box. Why didn't you just ask us to file the claim with USPS if you didn't believe the claim was justified? Since we know for 100% certainty that the phone was in working order when it left us at the post office, you give us no alternative than to believe that you unwillingness to communicate further with us is because you tampered with the phone and broke it, while trying to install the SIM card and now you want the phone to keep for free or want your money back. An honest buyer would have continued to communicate. We've left you negative feedback due to the fact, that now, you've filed a claim with paypal, we no longer can use our seller account until this is resolved. Paypal has held funds from other buyers in our account due to your claim. We always resolved all issues with buyers in a fair and equitable manner. We won't know just yet what paypal will decide, however, if you're required to return the item, you better make sure to return the item in the same box it was shipped in, along with all of the accessories w/USPS delivery confirmation. At this point, this is a matter of principle and after 341 favorable transactions, we finally met one person on EBAY that would do us harm. We are honest people, very happy with life. This matter or anything you say or do will not crush us, we will continue to see things in a positive light. However, negative feedback was very justified in this case. Bye.
I did not reply. Kristian told me that this would probably happen and to let her spew her evil and not to add to it. that way paypal would see the crazy was only coming from one side. trust me, as enraged as I am I could have sent her to the corner crying in the fetal position but I didnt. So she opens a dispute with Ebay stating I did not pay. they email me and I tell them that I did infact pay and I have a receipt to prove it. I also told them that I opened a dispute with Paypal and perhaps that is why the seller is now stating I didn't pay. So now bitch Mcbitch bitch writes to ebay:
Buyer sent payment, then, made claim with paypal. The payment has been credited from our paypal account due to this claim -therefore, we want Ebay to know that you're dealing with a buyer that is trying to get the item for free, as we have not received the item from her. She is very uncooperative and was reluctant to deal with us further before making her claim. Buyer is a total scammer an knows what she's doing - do what you need to do... we'll accept it. We just wanted you to know. Thank!
can you beleive this garbage? did she not clearly state she would not give me a refund and that the transaction was complete? so then I didn't respond again and she emails this:
We will not close this dispute until buyer returns the item. We are not only out the $181.60 but we don't have the item. Buyer is not stating a fact. The item was in 100% perfect condition when it left us at the post office, buyer tampered with the phone, when installing the sim card and now wants her money back. The buyers payment of $181.60 has not cleared my account, as paypal has credited that very same amount from my seller account.
seriously I'm tired now. but ebay is asking for a response so I email:
phone arrived with internal damage. buyer first blamed USPS. Now she is claiming I tampered with the phone. There was absolutely no tampering of any sort on my part. I communicated problem to seller. We tried to come to common resolution but in the end a refund was the only way. She refused a refund and said the transaction was complete so I filed a claim with paypal. Buyer has left harassing email after claim was filed and negative feedback as retaliation. I offered to return the item when I requested a full refund. I will happily send back phone at my expense just as soon as I see refund from paypal.
and here comes psycho:
We do not agree with the buyers statements, they are false. Item was in excellent condition, no loose pieces in phone when packaged and taken to post office. Buyer is accusatory, negative and very aggressive in communications. Buyer never asked for refund, she stated she would return it for a refund. (I thought she just said I never asked for a refund.) We never got a chance to respond in time (why would they respond after telling me the transaction was complete?), before she filed claim to paypal. We do not agree with buyer. Why should we believe buyer? We don't have the item, nor the $181.60. Our funds did not clear.
god, why the hell are we still argueing? for the love of jebus. This will be my last email:
I'm tired of bickering. I have emails to support all my communication with buyer. Claim has not finalized through Paypal. I will send out phone, as promised, if refund is granted from Paypal. I ask seller to please stop already. I paid and seller acknowledges payment. I ask Ebay to please close this non-payment dispute.
She's already posted more poison. I am so exhausted. I seriously think she's crazy. Plus she's lying and calling me a liar in the process. In my feedback she called me a #1 scammer. That's the pot calling the kettle crazy!!!!