romanian cracker

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

* to my previous post

amy and I are talking and she tells me about this blog that her friend Dyanna has a link for on her blog. It's and it's a gay guy and his raunchy "dealings" with random men. It's slightly graphic but it's like a train wreck and you can't stop reading. Just thought I'd pass that along for you disturbing entertainment today.

so sorry... no porn on this blog!

Chad was reading my blog the other morning and he usually pushes the "next blog" button up at the top right corner. You see a lot of advertisements and baby pics but yesterday he found the porn blog just after mine. A bunch of middle aged ( not as attractive as you could find on other porn sites) women bending over and stuff. most of them looked like they were hot maybe 10 or 15 years ago bu too much makeup now reveals their true ages. Not too hot but if it's free then hey don't complain. You pushed the button didn't you? I think you get random blogs each time so you're probably out of luck. Besides, just cause a lady is naked doesn't make her attractive, but I am not a guy so who am I to say anything.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's like Sky Harbor in here

Last night for the second time I hear this super loud jumbo jet fly over the house at an extremely low altitude. It's like someone is controlling it with a switch because it comes out of nowhere and is so loud. There's no build up like "oh here comes the jet" it's just all of a sudden over us. The first time it happend I was convinced it was going to crash in my living room. Last night it happend three times in one hour. It reminds me of Lost (best TV show ever!) weird stuff just happens in this house and there's no explanation for most of it. It's like when the monster/dinosaur man-eating thing shows up behind them and they all have to run for their lives.

On a different note, I went to my groinacologist yesterday and his nurse was a temp that Chad and I had worked with at GCC. It was embarrasing to have a former employee see me butt naked but I know it's her job so I got through it. He suggested getting off "the pill" to lower my blood pressure and my weight. I will now, esperically since I bought the cutest shoes online and when I put them on this morning my fat foot wouldn't fit in the right shoe. I mean it fit but the buckle wouldn't stay on so it would fly off while I am walking, since I walk like a horse. I threw a small fit and moved on but how embarrasing to have a size 9 shoe and still have it be small because my feet are fat. I tossed it off my foot and it hit the front door so hard the whole street must have heard it. Then I laughed at myself for acting like a 5 year old.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

No movement = sore back

My back hurts today. Probably because I haven't gotten off the couch in two days! Chad and I have been sleeping in and he had the day off today so we just sat there together. Yes we're lazy but gas is still over $3.00 a gallon and both of us only have $70.00 left until Friday and $40.00+ will go to fill up our tanks.
Chad fell asleep at 9:00 last night so I went to ebay for entertainment. I bid on a pink ipod and before I read the full auction I ended up winning it and then after I read the full agreement and some of this seller's negative feedback I panicked and pulled out. I told her my kid placed the bid without my permission! I hope that doesn't get me negative feedback. All I was getting was just the ipod and the battery that had a life of 30 minutes to 3 hours for $117.00 plus $15.00 for "deluxe" shipping, whatever that means. No cords, chargers, software or any of the stuff your supposed to get with a new ipod. I just saw the low price and only 2 minutes left. I've done stupid bids like that before but I was always outbid, ofcourse I win the one really expensive auction that I didn't bother to read first.
We took the dog out for a walk tonight. Beautiful outside. Half a moon, lots of stars and about 80 degrees. We saw some woman who was walking her dog. Must have been a puppy because it was dragging her down the street and when it saw Shadow it freaked out and was panting and sort of whistleing really hard. Chad said it was retarted. I agreed.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the wierdos were in out in packs today!

I got my ass chewed out more times today than I can remember. I kept my cool though. I was the picture of great customer service and as a result I got one woman to apologize to me. I had one guy yell at me because we were out of used books (it is the 3rd week of classes afterall) and he's too poor to afford a new book. At the end of the conversation he yells out "well I am so glad there's enough money to send our kids to war but there's no money to help them pay for school"and then he promptly hung up on me.
Next, yesterday, we had psycho who insisted we owed her money. She got a refund for a book but forgot that she then turned around and applyed that money to her new purchase. She said to me "well when I show up and prove I'm right, what are you gonna give me?'' how about a kick to the ass? I asked her to come in and bring all her receipts and she gave me her sob story about how she worked at Fry's and she was poor and she needed this money. When she showed up today she tells me she was fired yesterday because some customer accused her of being rude and that she just can't catch any breaks! Her rude? Imagine that. She later apologized for wasting my time she also warned about tainted chicken at Fry's and not to shop there.
Then I have some woman throw attitude at me because she just didn't see a reason why she should have to provide her address and phone number on our refund form. Here's how this one went starting with me trying to explain...
"well we need it for auditing pur.."
"I don't care if it's for auditing"
"well there's a chance you may get something in the mail asking..."
"I don't want to get anything in the mail."
"well you probably won't get anything but it's so that our employees aren't making up phony refunds and taking money"
"that's not my problem. I want the address of your head quarters so I can complain"
she cut me off every chance she got but filled out the forms so I don't know why she complained after the fact. There were more but I'm sick of typing. All I know is I hate customer service. I am nothing but nice to everyone and I just get shit on by ignorant bastards. I am willing to admit when we make a mistake but I'd say 99% of the time it's jerks taking out their crappy day on me.

Monday, September 05, 2005

This was the storm from the other night. It looked a lot worse in person but it was pink so I thought it was beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Highway rest stop pie. Posted by Picasa

Chad cleaning the pears. A sinkful of pears! Posted by Picasa

Chad torching the pears Posted by Picasa

Chad picked a peck of prickley pears!

Red Wine Today Chad decided to make prickley pear wine. Pear So we went out in to the desert, about 10 miles north our house and he got to pickin. It wasn't too bad at first but about 20 minutes in the heat got to me. I could feel my heart beating really hard and I got light headed and really sleepy. He picked for probably 45 minutes. His technique was to burn the needles off with a blow torch. He almost started a couple of brush fires Fire 3 and I quickly put them out with my water and then he'd get mad because he had it "under control" but brush fires start with those silly little manageable flames that soon torch 100,000 acres. Afterwards we drove a bit further north to Black Canyon City and bought a cherry pie. It was so good I just had to post a picture. It was a good day off together.