Saturday, May 27, 2006
I got crabs!!
Yes they are my new pride and joy pets. I have named them Pierre and Gaston and I speak French to them. Well, really I just say Bonjour and speak in a hoity toity French accent. The white-shell crab is Gaston and he is shy and only comes out at night when no one is around. Chad told me he came out so I had to take this picture of him in the dark while he ate. Then their is Pierre, the green-shell crab. He's much smaller and let frightened but he is literally a hermit and never comes out unless I coax him out. I don't actually know if they are males or females but I adore them. Chad thinks they're gross ( I think he's scared of them) and refuses to pick them up. He says they "creep" him out. I had some crabs a few years ago and they lived for a year so I hope Gaston and Pierre will make it longer then that. I have to find them a bigger home but the old home I had for them is being used to something else so they have to stay in their carrying cage which gives them very little room to stretch their legs. I recommend these as pets to anyone who is not so great with pets, like me who usually forgets to feed Shadow at least 3 times a week. Good thing I don't want any kids cause I'd probably starve them accidentally. They require little food and basically take care of themselves. Just spray them down with water every so often and enjoy.

Monday, May 15, 2006
Back Off I'm starving
I am tuckered out today. Chad's mom and brother and his brother's girlfriend came to visit this weekend. We had a good time but, man, I'm tired. Today at work we were having our 'wood' floors torn out so that they could replace them with the same shitty low-quality 'wood' floors. The 'wood' is in the front of the store where the cash registers are and the main entrance. It's less than 100 square feet. I blocked off all the aisles so that people were limited to the carpeted area and put a sign on the front doors instructing students to walk around to our side entrance. We moved our rush register to the side entrance. Well you'd think this was quantum physics the way these idiots were acting. Most of the people pulled on the door several times then just stood there confused and giving me the deer-in-the-headlights look. One girl actually called me from right outside. She was sitting there a good 20 minutes before she called then finally she asks "are you open?" and I told her yes and she says as she's looking right at me but doesn't realize she's talking to me "cause I see some workers tearing up the floor" and I said "right, and there's a sign on the door telling you to walk around" as I point to the sign. "Oh, so you are open?" and again I told her yes. All the other shitheads would move the barricades to get to the candy and chips. I have to tell everyone to get off the freshly applied cement and they are so shocked like they had no idea they shouldn't have walked over there. One girl stood in front of the our regular registers and asks "are these open?" even though she walked right past the line when she walked in. I mean it's like how retarded are you and why do you think you should be going to college if you can't even follow some simple signs or instructors. All these people had one thing in common. They trespassed to get to the chips and candy (even though I put some at the temporary register. Tomorrow they actually lay the flooring and there absolutely can not be any walking on it. We'll see how the geniuses handle that.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
It's all flowers and sausages till someone gets hurt
So another buyback season has come and gone and for the most part it was uneventful. Tuesday I was sick as dog and spent some time dry heaving in to my trash can. Then this lady damned me and Patrick last night and said fuck like 5 times so I knew it was for sure buyback week. Then today Kristian comes down with pneumonia and poor Aimee is hung over from her concert last night and want's to come in late. Of course today we were slammed and the rest of the week was fairly quiet (except for the fuck lady) and so I got my workout for the day. Then I got this crazy british instructor freaking out cause her special hat didn't arrive in time for graduation tomorrow and I gotta spend 20 minutes on the phone with some pissed off puerto rican lady to find her a PhD hat in time for tomorrow's ceremony. See, she can't be seen in a PhD gown and a regular cap, that would make her look silly. As if anyone knows the difference. She couldn't even decide which school she got her degree from when she ordered her stuff. Then Kevin (my boss) strolls in a we sit for a conference call and he's like a 5 year old and can't pay attention and then he gets me to goof off with him and I miss all the important stuff I should be listening to on my call. I laugh because my job is so easy but sometimes it catches up with me and kicks me in the ass. BUT I did manage to sqeeze in a 45 minute workout on my elipse when I got home. I am quite proud because that 45 minutes is equivalent to a 5 mile walk/jog. Ohh look at me I'm buffbob sexypants!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Get a rope!
I ain't never been in a lynch mob before!! I went to the town hall meeting about the proposed new Super Walmart they want to build in my front yard last night. They invited us in to talk about how the Walmart would look and what it was going to do to traffic. I and everyone else didn't think that was why we were there. Who gives a damn what color carpet they're going to have? It started out civilized but when the guy from the department of transportation told this guy his question was irrelevant the shit hit the fan! People were shouting and talking over eachother. I couldn't here any of the answers and it just got ugly. In the end they wouldn't tell us for sure whether or not it was too late to stop this monster but he also told us we couldn't discriminate retailers out of our neighborhood. I sat thru an hour and a half shouting match and finally couldn't take it anymore. I hate to think that my quiet beautiful neighborhood is going to turn in to my old crappy neighborhood. I don't know what the next step is but I do know my council woman is getting a strongly worded email today.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Just call me sucker
I was born with long legs and a huge rack. But for some reason I do not use my feminine persuasion to my advantage. Case in point: I returned my Dodge POS to Enterprise on Tuesday and I am expecting to pay for my insurance. $25.00 is pretty reasonable. The guy pulls up the contract and says I owe $177.00. I stared blankly and said "can you explain this to me?" and so he mumbles some jargon I don't understand and so I say "I owe you how much?" After I pick up my jaw off the dirty floor I told him that he completely side swiped me on these charges. Apparently they charge you $25.00 per day, much to my dismay. Well he was already giving me the googly eyes when I walked in so he tells me "how about I meat you half way you and you pay half?" I told him it wasn't the matter of the money ( I lied) but that I was just so shocked to find I'd be paying more for a 6 day rental (that wasn't even my choice) then I'd be pay for an entire months worth of coverage. I know if I had just batted my eyelashes at him slung my boobs up on the counter that I probably could've gotten the entire fee knocked out but I just don't work that way. I hate that about me. Women do this all the time to men and I have the right equipment just not the gall. I just have too much respect for people which is ironic considering how much I hate them.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I got the heebie jeebies
So I did a search on my name on Google this weekend just to see what would happen. I didn't expect to find anything. Well I came up a few times, mostly job related but... OMG my profile came right up with my email address and birthdate on a site I shop on regularly. Also my city and state also came up so needless to say I was upset. I worry about identity theft but even scarier is my constant fear of home invasion. These days you just can't be too careful. The internet is a scary place and as much as I love Google it has just given me a great reason to dislike it. So I contacted the shopping site and they fixed my profile so that it wasn't so public. So problem sort of solved but today I got a delivery from DHL and the driver is a creep. He delivers to us like every 3 months or so. He looks like he'd be a nice normal guy but he's one of the dorky clingy guys who stays longer then he needs to, makes pointless conversation just to talk to you and listens to your transactions/conversations with other people who were there before him and then buts in to those conversations. So he holds the envelope close and plays the I'll give you your package after I make you "work" for it game. Finally I sign my name on his electronic name caputerer thingy and I say "oh it's sloppy, can't really read it" and he says "oh I know your name even though I've only delivered to you 3 times before." Okay Creepy McPervert. It was the way he said it that made the hairs on my arm stand up. Just imagine if he's already done the search on my name and found my information. Super Scary. Do this search on yourself, you may surprise to see what comes up.