December 26? When the hell did it turn in to December?
Well another xmas has come and gone and once again I am feeling the financial burden. Actually I did go very lite this year. I limited myself to practical gifts and didn't over spend. I did overspend on food however, and not only that but I am eating and drinking it all in record time. I have eaten more ham in the last 3 days than I have in the last two years. I getting a plate full like every 4 hours.

Oh I got good news back from the doctor. No liver failure!! Yea!!! my first test was probably a fluke (flook? idon't know) although the second test didn't come back competely spotless. Remember I said that a normal reading was 15 to 40, well mine still came back at 80 but that was a drastic improvement from 195. I asked what the numbers mean. They measure enzymes in the liver. Too high a number means the liver is having to work too hard on clearing out what ever pissed it off. It had to have been all the aspirin I was popping when I threw my back out in October and in to November. Well I am aspirin free now but still have to take blood pressure meds every night. So I am not going to need any of your livers, thanks for offering!