Monday, January 29, 2007
It's enough to make you sick
Kristian and I went to see Dreamgirls this weekend. We had a lovely dinner, went to Jackie's to play with our puppies and then off to the movies at the new West Gate in Glendale. It's fancy and going to be so cool once all the businesses open and it's going at full swing. So we saw our movie at the new theatre. Rates were a bit higher then we remember from last time we saw a movie (which was less than 2 months ago) even though we flashed our ASU student id's. We're cheap and we like to pretend that we still look like we did when we were actually students. For me it's been 7+ years since I went to ASU and I'm not sure how long it's been for Kristian but I think it's close to my time frame. Any way we get the refreshment stand I my jaw just dropped to the newly carpeted still dirty floor. They wanted $10 for a coke and popcorn. It's enough to send a poor college student in to bankruptcy! I know that theatres don't make money on movies rather on the food, but gimme a break, $10? What happend to the good old days when there were 9 planets and popcorn and soda cost $3? For shame new AMC!!
In other news, Kristian is also adopting a puppy from Jackie. We're gonna have play dates and dress our dogs and enter them in doggie pagents so we can be stage moms and live off our doggies winnings and exploit their cute faces for
Chad is extremely sick today. He was moaning and groaning last night and I feel bad cause I think I threatened to send him to the couch at one point. I had no idea what was happening. When I went to bed at 10 he was fine, coughing a bit but still lucid and quiet. I told him to go to urgent care but being the stubborn male he is (and having no health insurance right now) he opted to tough it out. He's my little sick man.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Look at what a jolly dork I am . I am in love with my little girl. I went over to Jackie's for a few minutes to bond with her. Turns out she's sick along with the rest of the pups. They have some respitory virus they caught from mom who caught it at the vets office the last time she was there (which was the day she delivered.) I want her to know me so she's not totally shocked when she comes home. She was so sick and convulsing and her eyes were rolling around in her little precious head from the antibiotics. It was sad but cute all at the same time. I had her wrapped in a paper towel cause she kept making a noise as though she was going to hurl and she peed just a bit in my hand just after I picked her up. She was quiet and sleepy and she lay on my chest for 20 minutes and rested. She's too sweet. I can't wait.

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Lazy Sunday
It was pretty freaking cold out today. Wasn't really planning on doing a lot but we both got a bug in our pants. Spent an hour at the Home Depot. We didn't go with any real purpose other than to pick up some 2x4 for Chad's awning in the back yard. We spent $140. It was so cold outside. We had a nice lunch and came home. We got busy. Here's how it all went down.

Got me one of those fancy carpet spot removers for real cheap.
Now my stain has dimensions.
Then we took a break and had some fun with our nail sticks.
it's better than it looked when we started?....!?!?

Saturday, January 20, 2007
my brain is on strike until Monday
Loooooonnnnggg week. But it's over now and I can relax this weekend. I told Corina no more questions as my brain has shut off from any thinking above the normal activities to get me thru my day like eating or driving. Went over to Jackie's last night for a few minutes to get a peak at my new puppy. They're so sweet and fat. Jackie told me which one to pick as she has the cutest face and most puggish features. She was right and that's the one I picked. We can bring her home in 4 weeks. I'm a little afraid of how Shadow will take to her though. But I know Chad will keep them in line and train the new baby how to act. If it was just me I wouldn't dream of taking on a new puppy.
In other news, Karin gave birth Thursday morning at 7:00a.m. She was in active labor for 17 hours. Baby Cara weighed 8lbs, 14oz. Baby and momma are doing fine. Karin is going to be such a good mom. She was a total natural. I was sitting with her and thinking "OMG, that's a human that came out of her and now she's responsible for it's health and happiness" then it moved and I got scared. I'm definetly not cut out to be a mom, at least not to a human baby.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
"Where's the money, when are you gonna get the money, why aren't you getting the money now and so on"
I am so drained. Had a long day at 2 jobs. Although regular job was normal for the most part, second job was crazy again with 16 more joining members. We are now up to 51 in 2 weeks. In December our last meeting had 14. We didn't balance by $147 and while I dont' think most of it is my fault, I am partly to blame. My leader doesn't know how to properly check people by AZ standards and she always tells me that "it's so different and backwards from California" so I think that is her excuse cause she never takes the time to learn it. Then she left the file cabinet open with all 4 drawers (which they explicitly told us in training not to do) and of course it fell and it fell on me. I have a nice bruise on my ass, luckily I managed to get out of the way so it didn't land on my back. I get in my car and see that my assman (assistant manager) has been frantically trying to get a hold me. Missing money at job #1 and at #2 make this girl very stressed and tired and bruised. At least I got to watch The Office when I got home. Other than LOST, it's the only show I really look forward to. I got a good chuckle out of it and now I need to fall asleep. Hey, I don't know who left that last comment on my asteroid blog. Who was it?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
this is the kind of shit I lose sleep over
Saw this article on MSN tonight. After I shit myself and lay in the fetal position sucking my thumb and crying I decided to post it so you can all see how crazy I am not. Everyone likes to laugh at me and my "crazy" and "irrational" fears. But this proves I'm right and now we have a timeline for our demise.
Friday the 13th of April 2029 could be a very unlucky day for planet Earth. At 4:36 am Greenwich Mean Time, a 25-million-ton, 820-ft.-wide asteroid called 99942 Apophis will slice across the orbit of the moon and barrel toward Earth at more than 28,000 mph. The huge pockmarked rock, two-thirds the size of Devils Tower in Wyoming, will pack the energy of 65,000 Hiroshima bombs -- enough to wipe out a small country or kick up an 800-ft. tsunami.
On this day, however, Apophis is not expected to live up to its namesake, the ancient Egyptian god of darkness and destruction. Scientists are 99.7 percent certain it will pass at a distance of 18,800 to 20,800 miles. In astronomical terms, 20,000 miles is a mere stone's throw, shorter than a round-trip flight from New York to Melbourne, Australia, and well inside the orbits of Earth's many geosynchronous communications satellites. For a couple of hours after dusk, people in Europe, Africa and western Asia will see what looks like a medium-bright star creeping westward through the constellation of Cancer, making Apophis the first asteroid in human history to be clearly visible to the naked eye. And then it will be gone, having vanished into the dark vastness of space. We will have dodged a cosmic bullet.
Maybe. Scientists calculate that if Apophis passes at a distance of exactly 18,893 miles, it will go through a "gravitational keyhole." This small region in space -- only about a half mile wide, or twice the diameter of the asteroid itself -- is where Earth's gravity would perturb Apophis in just the wrong way, causing it to enter an orbit seven-sixths as long as Earth's. In other words, the planet will be squarely in the crosshairs for a potentially catastrophic asteroid impact precisely seven years later, on April 13, 2036.
How do you like that? I knew it was a matter of time before something like this happend. We're doomed. Chad, you can stop paying your student loan now (but I'll still need the rent!)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Puppies and Super Target...ewww fancy!
I go thru these phases where I have nothing interesting to say so I apologize for so few blogs. Nothing interesting is going on for me and now it's 8 days and counting until classes begin and it's madness in the store, normal really. What isn't normal is for my thursday night WW meeeting to be busy. We normally get 14 people total and it's not really enough earnings to even go but I commited so I will go. But, tonight, OMG 19 new members. I made 3 times as much as I normally make on this night. We were inundated with people and I felt right at home with the chaos.
Jackie's dog Malibu is having puppies tonight. Malibu is a pug/cocker spaniel mix and she's too adorable. I've been saying that I might want a pug some day after Shadow dies but definetly not a puppy cause those days suck ass. But Jackie said I could have first pick and then out of nowhere Chad says to me a few days later "you know ever since Jackie mentioned the puppies I've been thinking I want one." !!! what? holy cow are you kidding me? so now if one is super cute we'll probably keep it and I'm hoping they're ugly so I'm not tempted but really, when's the last time you saw an ugly puppy? clearly, this is not going to be good. To start over from scratch is just so draining but a pug would make me happy and Chad has gotten so good at training and handling Shadow that he could easily handle a puppy. What to do?

No other news to report except the other day, as Chad and I were coming home from a Sunday drive, we noticed that the new Super Target was almost ready by our house. I squeeled with delight and Chad almost ran us off the road cause it frightened him. Then for 10 minutes I was talking about how cool it would be to have a super target so close and how I would never have to leave the neighborhood once that whole plaza was done. Yeah, so that's the most exciting thing I could come up with. sorry guys.